Kocsis Irma: A tour of our Locals. (A very quick one) - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1993)
VlLLÁNYSIKLÓSI BOROZÓ VlLLÁNYSIKLÓSI WiNE-TaVERN V. Gerlóczy utca 13 A ground-floor place opposite the fire-station, steeped in eternal twilight. It is the only authentic pub in the area, which is why it merits special mention. It is not spit and sawdust, but distinctly differs from Galéria Drink, say, or the other drinking places in the neighbourhood. Ibolya Bisztró Ibolya Bistro V. Károlyi Mihály utca 7 The most popular place in the neighbourhood. It is packed with regular customers-university students, people on their way to work-as soon as it opens. Its huge glass panes look upon the courtyard of a cool grey house with a passage-way leading through it. The Ibolya’s Pepsi sign casts a dim light on the eternal semi-darkness of the courtyard. This grey light gives the rear of the Ibolya a gloomy, rainy atmosphere. I often drop in after the second-hand bookstore to skim through my new acquisitions; to look up from the pages and steal glances at the girls. A lot of pretty girls are regulars. The Ibolya symbolizes the entire neighbourhood for me. Gilde Söröző Gilde Brasserie V. Károlyi Mihály utca 7 tlsed to be known as The Kis Dab (Little Dab). They have simply painted it green. It forms a triangle with the Ibolya Bisztró and the Kis Pilseni. This, too, is a window- fronted pub, the huge windows making you feel as though you were watching a screen, but what you see is the Ciniversity Library and the people at the bus stop. Inside, behind the thick glass there is music and, out in the street, strangers’ feet follow the beat. 17