Kocsis Irma: A tour of our Locals. (A very quick one) - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1993)

Török utcai pince (Pince Csárda Borozó) Török utca cellar (Wine-Cellar Tavern) II. Török utca 1 Known to surprisingly few people, though it is a truly original, big barn of a place. 1 know of no more spacious cellar in the city. It is in the block that houses the Bem cinema, its winding stairway leading down beside a large barrel. Emmike runs it. One night, while she was telling me yarns gathered during her many years in the trade, 1 tried the stuffed cabbage. It was the best stuffed cabbage I had ever eaten anywhere in Budapest. Since then I've tried the tripe. And found it just as good. Grave-faced men wearing looks of deep significance sometimes assemble in the small room in the back. To hold political meetings. Really. Vöröshadsereg úti Pilseni Söröző Pilsener Brasserie, Vöröshadsereg útja II. Hűvösvölgyi út (Vöröshadsereg útja) 104 (The Vöröshadsereg, or red army in question here is the avenue in the second district.) It has a large garden, which is a bonus these days. Emmike, who runs the wine-cellar of Török utca told me that the Pilseni was formerly the famous Jerzsabek restaurant. Korcsma 384 Pub number 384 III. Szentendrei út 31 One of the best pubs in the neighbourhood, rustic, with two rooms. It has only one rival in the vicinity, the Aquincum Büfé, a tin shack thrown up around a large tree, with galvanized iron tables, a lot of sunshine, and the ghosts of tipsy gladiators standing around in the garden, and the suburban railway to take you there. 13

