Kocsis Irma: A tour of our Locals. (A very quick one) - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1993)
in other words White Cross Inn) and the market-hall block. They say that Maria Theresa (Archduchess of Austria, Queen of Hungary and Bohemia from 1740-1780) lodged here once, but that is probably just a legend, just like the one of Giacomo Casanova’s strolls in the Tabán district. In summer, Sitting at a white galvanized iron table with a pint of beer at hand and your back against the wall of the Casanova Bar, you can see the cupola of the Castle between the church towers of Fő utca in the Víziváros. Grotta Borozó Grotta Wine-Tavern I. Táncsics Mihály utca 10 An old cellar hollowed out of rock opposite the one-time prison of the man the street was named after. It is the only really good place in the Castle district where you’ll find privacy if you want it. There are not too many tourists, the decor is simple and shows good taste, there are candles for light and pelt rugs thrown over the benches to make you more comfortable. Móri Borozó Móri Wine-Tavern I. Fiáth János utca 18 The Móri is one of the places that upholds the honour of Buda, together with the Kétlyukú, the Dandár and the Csillogó. It is a genuine wine-cellar, tortuous and rambling, on several levels, with a stairway leading down and strange, sharp turns. There is a large net spread above the tables holding autumn leaves. Kétlyukú (Kecskeméti Borozó) Two-Holer (Kecskeméti Wine-Tavern) II. Széna tér 5 A wine-cellar that stands on a corner and can be entered from two directions (hence its name). The entrance leads into the long, tunnel-like premises. Its peculiarity is that the walls are panelled with parquet blocks. A lot 9