Buza Péter: Bridges of the Danube - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1999)

axis of the new bridge was located by these arter­ies. There were further considerations, too. In 1873 Óbuda, the third city, was merged into the capital and had to be integrated into the united city. Also the problem of easy access to Margaret Island had to be solved. A tender was issued in May 1871. Hungarian, English, French, Austrian and German teams of engineers submitted plans. Among the Hungarian applicants were János Feketeházy and Miklós Ybl, whose plan was unfortunately lost during World War II like the bridge itself. An overwhelming majority of the committee favoured the design of the French engineer Ernest Gouin. One of the main advantages of the arch bridge with an upper carriageway is that its solid yet aesthetic structure is in harmony with the nat­ural landscape. The construction tender was also won by the company of Gouin, the Société de Construction des Battignoles. Work began in 1872. The challenge in designing a bridge at this part of the river was that it should connect the streets of Pest and Buda mentioned above while at the same time approaching the island and remaining per­pendicular to the streamline of the Danube’s two branches. The branch bridge connecting with the island was bcjilt WITHIN A FEW MONTHS 27

