N. Kósa Judit - Szablyár Péter: Underground Pest - Our Budapest (Budapest, 2002)

This publication was subsidised by the Municipality of Budapest City—Committee for Tourism Original title: Föld alatti Pest Translation by Ákos Farkas Revised by Bob Dent Photos by János Bánhalmi (pages 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 20, 22), Balázs Gárdi (page 35), Péter Szablyár (pages 6, 7, 8, 17), Bernadett Szabó (pages 13, 19,33) und Miklós Teknős (pages 24, 25, 26) Archive pictures are from the collection of the Budapest History Museum On the cover. The mains trunk sewer underneath the Great Boulevard ©Judit N. Kosa, Péter Szablyár, 2002 English translation © Ákos Farkas, 2002 ISSN 1215-8909 ISBN 963 9170 48 8

