Ferkai András: Housing Estates - Our Budapest (Budapest, 2005)

Original title: Lakótelepek Translation by Ákos Farkas Revised by Kristin Faurest Photos by Zoltán Pólya and András Ferkai (pages 52, 54) Archive photos from the author's collection On the cover: Highrise in Újpalota (Endre Mentes, 1975) On the title page: Prefab block from Stage II of the Káposztásmegyer Housing Development (the 1980s) © András Ferkai, 200; English translation © Ákos Farkas, 2005 ISSN 1212-8909 ISBN 963 9170 87 9 Published by the Municipality of Budapest, Office of the Mayor Publisher: János Schiffer, Deputy Mayor of Budapest Series editor: Gyöngyvér Török Series designer: Balázs Csöllei Volume designer: Vera Köböl Publishing administration by Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library Colour resolution by StuArt Repro Print works of the Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library Budapest, 2005

