Holló Szilvia Andrea: Budapest's Public Works - Our Budapest (Budapest, 2010)

■ Rescuing flood victims in Fő utca. Vasárnapi Újság (The Sunday News), l8y6 tainment facilities, including the budgets drawn up for all such investments. The public was informed by the press of every relevant detail concerning any new plans for public services. Accordingly, Vasárnapi Újság (The Sunday News) carried the following story: for the time being, two parallel trunk mains are designed to run beneath the length of the city’s central avenue at a gradient sloping toward the trunk mains under the planned-jjor central boulevard. The new mains will be flushed through either by the waters of an artesian well... or by the waters of Rákos Brook. Gas lighting will be serviced by two pipelines to be buried beneath the pedestrian pavement. Lampposts, protected by cast iron guard posts, will be alternatively set up on the kerb here and alongside the central coach roadway there. The capital's municipality and the Board waged a war of attrition and were thus unable to reach an agreement on either the type of water treatment to be deployed (natural or artificial purification) or the details of drainage. The issue of street lighting was settled in a more satisfactory manner, thanks to a service con­tract signed by the municipality of Pest prior to these later developments. The waterworks, the water mains and sewer systems were owned by the munici­pality from the beginning, unlike the gas and electricity utilities which were not acquired by the city before the beginning of the 20th century as part of large-scale public takeovers carried out under the tenure of Mayor István Bárczy. In the area of municipal lighting, competition unfolded among various corporate suppliers, while 6

