Holló Szilvia Andrea: Budapest's Public Works - Our Budapest (Budapest, 2010)

Town gas from coal - The Óbuda Gas Works (1913-84)

■ The Óbuda Gas Workó tar towen and itt tymbolic water tower Kiaármái, became only a handful oh tinkers could have made a little well- earned profit by hammering into place a hew hundred kilometres oh pipelines, and because free sas pays for no hat sinecures." The city councillors were not to be made to change their minds, and the preparations went ahead. The international tender competition for the design of technical equipment was won by the Zurich-based gas manufacturer Albert Weiss, for the construction work Kálmán Reichl was hired. Landscape planning was carried out with assistance by municipal director of landscape management Károly Rade, and the river bank was raised by three to four metres to avert flooding according to plans by Hugó Zsák. An eleven-kilometre side-track led to the main railway line establishing direct con­nection between the Buda circular railway and the factory's half-kilometre long goods station, complete with six pairs of rails, eight weighbridges and four wagon tippers, designed by Albert Kain and built by the József Wahl Co. The factory's wa­terworks were designed by Mihály Kajlinger and its sewer system by Ágoston Böhm. The conveyor belt was built by the international collaboration of the Budapest- based Schlick and Ganz machine factories as well as the Koppers Company of Essen. Construction of the superstructure was mostly finished by 1912. Taking the longest to build were the gasholders, credit for which no longer went to Albert Weiss - his commission had been withdrawn, the buildings redesigned and the technologies employed altered. >9

