Szablyár Péter: Sky-high - Our Budapest (Budapest, 2007)
In the autumn of 2006 rumours were once again afoot that a 110-metre tall high- rise would after all be built next to the Police Headquarters to plans made in the Finta Studio. Suggesting the "edges” of the tower, beams of light were projected skyward on a late October night from power searchlights operated by "illumination artist" Péter Kozma to familiarise the public with the sight. That is because the planning of high-rises is in full swing. Lord Norman Foster, the celebrated representative of contemporary British architecture who has designed a host of unique buildings, envisioned yet another one for the large-scale property development in and around the Corvin Promenade, but investors in charge of redeveloping the tip of Csepel Island also have an idea or two concerning high-rises up their sleeves... The debate is still as heated as ever. Until it is decided, those with sky-high aspirations will have to settle for the view from the gondola of an air balloon rising to 150 metres from the top of Westend City Center. That is an unforgettable sight, too. Before looking around Budapest to survey its tall buildings — a rather modest assortment by international comparison — we should attempt to define the essential features of these constructions. Tower: a mostly erect, quadrangular or polygonal prism or cylinder whose height is significantly larger than the proportions of its base, and whose use determines its mass and interior arrangement. As a free standing edifice it may have cultic or signalling functions or serve defence-related purposes. High-rise or tower block: a multi-storey apartment house or office block on a relatively small base. Skyscraper: a building whose height, exceeding twenty storeys, is numerous times larger than its width or depth at the base. Observation tower: a tower-like edifice offering a fine view of its environs. Smokestack: a tall structure for the release of flue gases produced in large furnaces. These tall structures attract our sight and once we ascend them, a fantastic new dimension of the city opens up to us. This bird’s-eye view of Budapest is a truly unique one. Follow me as 1 climb stairs and ladders or travel in lifts to reach building tops sky-high. You won’t be disappointed!