Melega Miklós (szerk.): Szent Márton emlékezete szülőföldjén (Szombathely, 2016)

A rui lies utmaplójanak részlete. (milies. 6mm 24 jói.) A Szombathely leírása Fbcocke kötetéből, (fbcockc. 1745.244. p.) 244 OBSERVATIONS Scímjtíi. Wc went to Scharpin, where fome would fix Scarabantia, but there arc no fort of antiquities there; it had been a large town, and was Sfrr.fmjnfti burnt by the Turks. Stcncmangcr is, without doubt, Colonia Claudia Sabaria, tho‘ fome, on account of the name, would place it at Sarwar, where no antiquities arc found ; it is faid that the pncfcA of Panonia refided here; and Aurelius Viflor affirms, that Septimius Severus was proclaimed emperor at this place ; but Spartian fays it was at Carnun­tum. We law at Steinemanger fcvcral. pieces of granite pillars : It is probable that Domitian was a benefactor to this town, for there arc two inferiptions to him, with the name of Domitian crafcd,asitwas from all his inferiptions by an order of the fenaté: There arc feveral other in­feriptions, and fome curious relief» about the town. They have a ftory, which feems to be without any foundation, that Ovid was buried here. It is faid, that St. Mariin was born at this town in three hundred and thirty-five, his father having been a tribune under Conftaniinc the ereat.______________________________________________________ Jeremiah ITlillcs arcképe (Nathaniel Dance-Holland festménye. 1765-1780 körül) ▲ Szombathely látképe (Tischler Antal rézmetszete. 1791) Stephanus Schönvisncr: Antiquitatum et historiae Sabariensis ab origine .... Fbstini. 1791. [l pj ▲ Szombathely ábrázolása Kenedics József IS07-ben megjelent egyházmegyei térképén (magyar Nemzeti levéltár Vas megyei Levéltára Térképgyűjtemény T128.) ▲ A szombathelyi szabó céh zászlójának részlete a város képével, 1820 kőiül (Szent ITIárton Plébánia) . V ­. -г;;'*'­Szent ITlárton emlékezete szülőföldjén 25 Richard Fbcocke portréja Pean-&ticnnc Liotard festménye, 174-0) https//en.wikipcdia.orjf/\oiki| Richardjboockc#

