Horváth M. Ferenc (szerk.): Vác The heart of the Danube Bend. A historical guide for residents and globetrotters (Vác, 2009)


266 EXCURSIONS AROUND THE TOWN Lake Sinkár ........... Á CSU The village was populated by Lutheran peasant families from Upper Hungary, now part of Slovakia. From the mid-1700s the Prónay family owned the manor for the next 200 years; they used to run a Lutheran secondary grammar school here. Sights: two-storey Prónay Castle with corner tur­ret (1735-1740) • Lutheran church (1752) with the The entrance of Prónay Castle LUineran cnurcn Prónay family vault • Romantic-style two-storey Prónay Mansion with corner turrets in Acsaújlak (1910) • Baroque Roman Catholic church built on medieval foundations by Kristóf Migazzi, bishop of Vác (1780) Programmes: angling, nature photography at Lake Sinkár Prónay Castle Püspökhatvan................................................................................................ Right after the Ottoman era the bishop of Vác, who owned the village, settled Ro­man Catholic Slovaks, and later Ger­mans (Swabians) in Püspökhatvan. Sights: Baroque Roman Catholic church (mid-18th century) with the coat of arms of Bishop Kristóf Migazzi on the altar • eco-farm • wooden statue­­park by the road Holy Trinity statue in the garden of the parish house Park °f statues

