Boros György (szerk.): Értesítő a Nemzetközi Unitárius Conferencziáról (Kolozsvár, 1897)

A Nemzetközi Unitárius Konferenczián tartott beszédek és felolvasások - Beszédek és felolvasások

The favourable finances of the treasury of State, the liberality of the parliament give us hopes of setting our material affairs in better order. Some time ago, when the people’s claims were not so high; when the teaching and education — with some exceptions — were in the hands of the churches ; when culture and science did not stand on such a high level; when there was no rivality between the schools kept either by the government, or by the religious denomi­­tions; when all matters belonging to education were not so decidedly fixed: we could keep up our colleges, but at present we stand in need of accepting government­­aid ; if not, we are unable to raise them to the level, which modern culture, and consequently our government require. Besides, all the needs of our Churches are in­creasing. Our ministers’ condition is a poor one, which needs assistance; for if a minister be obliged to struggle with the cares of life, I venture to ask: how can he be fit and able to fulfil all the important duties of his office. Our Churches have received the first government­­aid, 5000 florins each year,|since 180S. In the present year some support, was granted also to our ministers.------In the past we maintained our Churches bv relying' exclusively on the offerings of our fellow-worshipers. Il would take up a long time to tell you here all the na­mes of those; who presented us with larger and smaller sums of money to cover our expences. The most important foundations are, those which were given by Ladislaus Zsuki and Paul Augusztinovics, the latter being a descendent of a Unitarian family, which was driven out of Poland. They made their bequests when we had fallen short of money. It is worth while to re­­mined you of the foundation given by Baron Baldácsy who, with the idea of uniting all Protestant sects, gave Unitarians an average share. Moses Berde’s princely foun­

