The Hungarian Student, 1961

From the Resolutions of Free Hungarian Students In response to the Appeal of the Union Générale des Etudiants de Tunisie (ÜGET) we reiterate the resolutions of earlier Hungarian Refugee Student Con­gresses: We energetically condemn all kind of imperialist, colonialist and tota­litarian intervention. We feel increa­singly that it is our duty to express our solidarity with the students of Tunisia who fight for the liberation of their country, and for the withdrawal of foreign troops garrisons in Bizerta. Therefore, the Union of Free Hun­garian Students’ International Secretariat (UFHS) declares: — that it is the sovereign light of the Tunisian people to demand the with­drawal of foreign troops gairisons in Bizerta and to determine their own future. — that vested interest cannot justify any states ignoring the principles of free­dom in order to prevent by armed forces the realisation of another nation's rights. RESOLUTION ON COLONIALISM The 5th Congress of the UFHS, in accordance with principles previously expressed on many occasions, states: 1. that colonisation can only be regarded as a denial of basic human rights, rights to democratic freedom and self­­determination as laid down in the United Nations charter, 2. that colonisation essentially hampers the evolution of national cultural in­heritance and thereby puts obstacles in the way of the development of a national educational system and limits academic freedom, This Congress therefore states that: — it CONDEMNS all forms and mani­festations of colonialism, — complete national independence is a basic critérium foi the development of the national culture and the démocra­tisation of the educational systems, — it EXPRESSES its solidarity with all student communities who are fighting against colonialism and for the demo­cratic rights of their people. ( Continued from page 3 ) Consequently, UFHS International Secretariat demands that: — the French Government, taking into consideration the will of the Tunisian people, accept the revision of the Bizerta Base Tieaties. — French troops abstain from any arbitrary action until an agreement is ieached. — Officers and soldiers who committed cruelties be held responsible for them. — the UNO assist Tunisian tefugees until such time as they can return home. Finally, we wish to stress that because five years ago, in October 1956, the students of the whole world supported our demands which were identical to the present claims of the Tunisian Youth, we feel it our particular duty to support their struggle today. We de­manded both the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Hungary and the recognition of the Sovereign and Neutral status of the Hungarian State by the Great Powers and the UNO. The fact that our fight, in spite of the unanimous support of public opinion in the whole world, was crushed down by armed forces, confirms us in the opinion that it is always our duty to raise our voice against any form of aggressive inter­vention. RESOLUTION ON PARAGUAY The 5th Congress of the UFHS con­sidering: 1. The resolutions of eai lier UFHS Con­gresses expressing the solidarity of the Hungarian student community in exile with all students and youth fighting for a democratic system based on true social justice in theii countries, 2. The resolution of the 4th UFHS Congress which concerned Paraguay and the persistent and selfless struggle of the Paraguayan students for these same goals, 3. The imprisonment and persecution of several Paraguayan students for poli­tical reasons, EXPRESSES its sincere support of the Paraguayan students in their continued struggle against totalitarianism, OPPOSES use, by totalitarian elements of the term “communist manipulations” in describing a struggle based on truly democratic principles, Categorically CONDEMNS the police methods used, for political reasons, against the Paraguayan students, and, NOTES with deep satisfaction that the 9th ISC adopted a resolution supporting the fight of the Paraguayan students, the statement of which symbolise the stand taken by truly representative student organizations throughout the world against these deplorable events which are completely contrary to human rights. The Congress requests the Inter­national Secretariat to forward the com­plete text of the present resolution to the COSEC, to all their publications, and to each and every Latin American student union. RESOLUTION ON THE INTERNATIONAL STUDENT CONFERENCE The 5th Congress of the UFHS takes note of the report of its delegation to the 9th ISC and states: 1. That the International Student Con­ference organized and convened by the Coordinating Secretariat is an appro­priate forum for truly representative national unions of students to work effectively, free from the influence of power blocs. 2. That it notes with satisfaction the decisive stand taken by the ISC in support of all student communities striving for the democratic rights of their people and for self-determination. 3. That it expresses its sincere gratitude to the ISC for its resolution on Hungary and RIC for its devoted and objective work on the study of the situation in Hungary. The Congress of the UFHS also thanks all those National Unions of Students which contributed directly and success­fully to the placing of Hungarian pro­blems on the agenda in Klosters by standing up for their principles—fre­quently setting aside their individua current interests and formalities of pro­tocol. 4 UFHS REPLY TO UGET APPEAL them as a result of their endeavours to reach these same ideals, The Congress appeals to the COSEC which in its activity and very existence is founded on the Magna Charta of human rights and freedom, to do everything within its power in the spirit of these principles, to make it possible that these basic and un­alterable human rights be brought to bear on the present situation and destiny of Cuban students youth. This note should simultaneously ex­press our respect for the struggle of Cuban youth to achieve freedom and democracy.

