The Eighth Hungarian Tribe, 1987 (14. évfolyam, 1-8. szám)

1987-01-01 / 1-2. szám

LETTERS Dear Sir; Please find enclosed a check in the amount of $10.00 for our Membership in the HETF. We were amongst the first to subscribe to the magazine and supporter of the Foundation, neither of them had never lapsed. Sincerely yours, Frank S. Kovács Northampton, Pennsylvania Dear Mr. Chomos; The Nov.-Dee. issue of the HETF’s Newsletter is beautiful. I miss the Eighth Tribe magazine, it was easy to read from cover to cover. The art designs were always beautiful and fascinating as is the current Foundation issue. I am happy to continue my membership in the Foundation. Best wishes for the New Year Isabelle Antal Buterbaugh Vintondale, Pennsylvania Dear Mr. Chomos; We received the Nov./Dec. Newsletter with delight. Christmas Greetings on the front page is lovely. Enclosed is $10.00 for a Gift- Membership, and a $10.00 donation. With kind good wishes for a joyous Holiday Season, and a New Year with good health and happiness. Sincerely, Jolán Rieke Hampton, New Jersey Dear Mr. Chomos; Enclosed is our check for $50.00 for our continued Membership in the Foundation for 1987. Please use the remainder to help defray expenses. As I stated in one of our previous letters, we were born Hungarian, and we will die Hungarian! God bless you for your promulgation of Hungarian-American Heritage! Respectfully yours, Joseph and Ethel banks Nemocolin, Pennsylvania Dear Mr. Chomos; The California (PA) University extension at Uniontown has just completed a non-credit course “Learn to speak Hungarian’’, which I attended. The course was thought by Ilona Bukszar, who came to this country in 1965. The Magyar Reader published in the Eighth Tribe magazine and in the Newsletter was one of the sources being used. This was the first attempt for learning Hungarian, in many-many years, in this area. Students drove many miles to attend. We are hoping California University will continue with a basic-class again in the Spring Semester. California University also has five exchange students from Hungary this semester. Having this Magyar Schooling on my mind, one afternoon, walking thru the Mountaineer Mall at Morgantown, W. Virginia, I heard an elderly couple sitting on a bench talking to each other. I thought I heard a few Hungarian words, so I turned around and went back to this couple, and asked “was I 100% right”. “Yes”, said Rev. László Borsay of Morgantown, Rev. Borsay is retired from West Virginia University, where he thought Latin and Greek. He is also a retired minister, also has three sons who are ministers. No doubt, he is also an excellent Magyar instructor. As I understand, West Virginia University, also, has exchange students from Hungary. So, my thoughts are that these people deserve recognition in our Hungarian Culture and Heritage by our publications. Sincerely, Ann Toth Bob town, Pennsylvania THE MAGYAR’S TASK Let us not cry for the past! “Look—this was our true history! And what the West tells about us now?” Let us all have a Living present For the MAGYAR’S new HISTORY! Let us all not have too many “IFS” To blame our failures of the past. Let us all face the mirror And see the depth of our past. Let us all see our arrogance Which brought our Tyranny and Death. Let us all not blame other nations That they call us gypsy-nomad clan. Let us all face the true fact That we are not the best friends Amongst of ourselves in this land! Until we have not learned to be united; Like the jews do in any land; We are inviting destruction For our stubborn heads! Let us all face the good lucks We all can have in the new land. Let us all be proud of the fact That we all can learn, work and prosper, Help each-other amongst of ourselves. Let us all share the sorrows of hearts. Let us all share our hearty laughs. Let us all sit down and have a breath To give the LORD a hearty thanks. Let us all share our heritage The noble seed of our hearts. The fiery souls of the MAGYAR’S Which carried us through many wars. Let us all cherish the ancient faith From where all men and things came! Let us all not follow any race For his faith of his GOD grace! Let us all sing from our hearts The vibration of the MAGYAR’S blood. Let us all dance the MAGYAR’S dance The fiery pulse of our souls! Let us all unite while we share! Let us all cherish our heritage Without shameful past to blame. Let us all help to realize this AIM. Let us all have sincere faith; Then we have no fear—no enemy to blame! We will have merry heart—dance to share With all those who care our heritage. We all have to mature for this task! Then all men eager to know the MAGYAR’S past; The true history of our land. Proudly we say this is the MAGYAR’S heritage, Our souls are in one GOD and love we share, The CONSCIENCE is in every MAGYAR’S vein! By J. Szurcsik. Eunice, Louisiana. October 3, 1976. Page 3 YOUR MEMBERSHIP IN THE HUNGARIAN EIGHTH TRIBE FOUNDATION WILL HELP US TO PROTECT AND PRESERVE YOUR HUNGARIAN HERITAGE

