The Eighth Hungarian Tribe, 1987 (14. évfolyam, 1-8. szám)
1987-01-01 / 1-2. szám
ijmujartan lEtohth Ifíminöattmt NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS: P.O. Box 637, Ligonier, PA 15658 - (Tel.: 412-834-0169) JANUARY/FEBRUARY, 1987 To Members end Friends of the Hungerien Eighth Tribe Foundation Our thanks to all who have cared enough to support our efforts with their Memberships or donations during the past year. We have tried to fulfill our obligations, and we did. We finished the Magyar Reader and published this Newsletter six times. Financially, we were lucky, because we had some assets left over from 1985 to fall back on to cover all the expenses. In 1987 we will not be so fortunate, as you can see in the Financial Statement, so well have to rely more on your support than in previous years. Our appreciation also goes to Rhonda L. Chomos for setting most of the type used in the Newsletters. Her voluntary effort cut down on preparation expenses. Some of you who attended the 1981 and 1982 Heritage Conferences might remember the Kish Family from Chicago. Illinois. With sorrow we have to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Pearl Kish in 1986. All of us who knew her will miss her friendliness that we felt at those two gatherings. Our sympathy goes out to Mr. Theodore Kish, her husband, and Miss Pearl Kish, her daughter. Our condolences, also, to Mrs. Julia Yager of Stony Point. New York on the passing of her husband: Mr. Louis Yager. The Yagers were ardent supporters of both the magazine and the Foundation from the start. A recommendation has been made to us to move the proposed site of the Heritage Institute from Ligonier closer to the more Hungarian-populated Pittsburgh area. With this in mind, we have contacted the Consistory Board of the Free Magyar Reformed Church of McKeesport. The Church presently has rooms not being used which would be suitable, for a start, to set up a Museum and Reading Room, where those who know Hungarian can come to read Hungarian newspapers and magazines; at the same time, those whose knowledge is limited only to English can read English publications on Hungarian History and on Hungarian Americans' accomplishments in America. The church is located adjacent to Penn State University's McKeesport Campus, which could lead, in future years, to the possibility of a Hungarian language course being taught at the University. Discussion on this matter is now being pursued between the two interested parties. Well report on any progress in the next Newsletter. ANY PERSON HAVING ANY TRACE OF HUNGARIAN BACKGROUND QUALIFIES TO BE A MEMBER OF THE HUNGARIAN EIGHTH TRIBE FAMILY! The Hungarian Eighth Tribe Foundation came into being in 1978; was officially established on August 22, 1981 at the Hungarian Heritage Conference in Ligonier, Pennsylvania and received its Charter on March 9,1982 from the Department of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as a non-profit corporation. The purpose: a) Foster the Hungarian Heritage in America. b) Establish and maintain a Hungarian Cultural and Educational Institute in Ligonier, Pennsylvania. c) Encourage contributions toward the establishment and maintenance of the Institute. d) Publish a journal for the purpose of disseminating cultural, literary, and educational information. e) Preserve historical materials relating to the Hungarian American Heritage. The Institute would serve as an educational place, where seminars and conferences could be held on subjects concerning Hungarian Americans of all generations, also where art related exhibitions can be held. IVhai is in the name? The Hungarian Nation was c omposed of seven tribes wandering through southern east Asia, from the city of Ur on the Euphrates River, to the city of Arpad, on the Mediterranean Sea, then up north through southern part of Russia, where they built the city of Kiev. Finally, these tribes settled in the Carpathian Basin, and established a Christian Kingdom of Hungary. The descendants of these tribes that came to America were call the Eighth Tribe. A knowledge of one’s heritage grounds a person with a sense of confidence and pride that what others have done, he can do also. It is our fervent hope that all people of Hungarian descent accept the responsibility of teaching their children about their great heritage. The 1980 Census officially shows almost 1,800,000 individuals, who claim to be of Hungarian ancestry.