The Eighth Hungarian Tribe, 1985 (12. évfolyam, 1-11. szám)

1985-07-01 / 7. szám

WEEKEND IN HUNGARY-by— Dr. Victor IV. Molnár PART 6 — Helluva Good Time My Dad and I are on a tour organized by Pauline Kurovsky, a lady of Slovak background, who lives in Wilkes-Barre, PA and organizes tours to Slovakia. This one had a weekend in Hungary, and so far every one is really enjoying the tour, especially the Budapest part of the tour. Last time I mentioned that we had arriv­ed back at the Royal Hotel, for a one-hour rest or freshen-up period. Promptly at 5 PM our bus was at the front door, ready to take us down to the pier for a short cruise on the Danube. Dining the freshen­ing up period, all the ladies in our group freshened up by changing clothes and the rest of the day we were in our fashionable best. We arrived at the boardingpoint in less than ten minutes, but there is no ship. Zsuzsi, our local guide, dashes into the office to inquire. She is told that the cruises are 30 minutes late. Consequent­ly our departure will be at 6 PM instead of 5:30 PM. Good grief, exclaims one lady in our group; what time shall we have supper? But Zsuzsi is a diplomat and said that supper is our next scheduled activi­ty after the cruise, but do not worry, we shall have a little snack on the ship. Twenty minutes later, a small rivership comes into view and heads toward us. It takes 5 minutes for the previous passengers to leave the ship, and as soon as one of the ship people says OK, we are on the gangplank, headed for the enclos­ed first deck, the reserved section of the ship. We are asked to sit where glasses and napkins have already been placed on the tables. We are amazed that in such a short time the attendants could set the table since we boarded the moment the previous passengers left the craft. Our guide suggested that we are in the reserv­ed section and it is consequently a more expensive ticket. Perhaps no one on the preceding trip was in the reserved section. As our ship slowly heads north from the dock that is on the left bank of the Danube, we get to see a different view of the buildings and places that had been pointed out to us earlier that day during the city sightseeing tour. During the one­­hour cruise each one of the people in the reserved section get a Coca-cola or a lemonade plus a generous slice of a chocolate roll cake with whipped cream or marshmallows. It is evidently quite fattening and several ladies offered me their slice. I accepted them. I was a little bit disappointed that there is no explana­tion of the various sights, given on the boat. Zsuzsi and I are busy pointing out places of interest. Since our short cruise goes up and around Margaret Island, we have the opportunity of viewing three of the beautiful bridges in Budapest...the Chain Bridge, artistically lit with yellow sodium vapor lights, the Margit Bridge on one end of Margaret Island and the Arpad Bridge on the opposite end of Margaret Island. One of the highlights of the ride was the architecturally beautiful Parliament Building alongside the Danube. When we returned to the dock, our bus was waiting and we immediately scrambl­ed aboard for our journey to Hell Csarda- Pokol Csarda, located on an island in the Danube, across from the city of Vac, approximately 30 miles north of Budapest. The only way to get there by bus was to cross the Danube, — To be continued — ATTENTION With a gift subscription we will mail you or the person you designate any one book from the list below. Please enclose $1.50 for postage and handling. 1,—TEXT BOOKS SERIES NO. I. and II. designed for children from age six to eight in English and Hungarian $1.50 plus 75* postage—each. 2. -OUR HUNGARIAN HERITAGE—Albert Wass, $2.00 plus 35« postage. 3. —MAGYAR ÖRÖKSÉGÜNK—Albert Wass, $2.00 plus 35« postage. 4. -LOUIS KOSSUTH “THE NATION’S GUEST”­Bibliography of Kossuth’s visit to U.S.A.: Joseph Széplaki - $5.00 plus 75« postage. 5. —“ACACIAS”—HUNGARIANS IN THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY- Leslie Könnyű, $4.00 plus 75« postage. 6. -CONDENSED GEOGRAPHY OF HUNGARY:­Leslie Könnyű, Soft cover. $3.75 including postage. 7. -FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH-HIVEN MINDHALÁLIG: Life history of Col. Michael Kovats. This book is single bound two language edition:—László L. Eszenyi, $5.00 plus 75« postage. 8. —TRANSYLVANIA: THE HUNGARIAN MINORITY IN RUMANIA—Julia Nanay, $5.00 plus 75« postage. HERITAGE TOURS to HUNGARY 1985 New York Departures • AIRFARE • 1st CLASS HOTELS • 34 MEALS • ENGLISH SPEAKING GUIDE • SIGHTSEEING IN 15 CITIES A tour which received high praise by all past participants! I June 13th “Springtime becomes Summer” DEPARTURE II July 11th “A Hungarian Summer” III August 15th “Late Summertime” DATES IV Sept. 12th “Wine Harvest Season” Call or write today for FULL COLOR brochure F U G A Z Y INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL 770 U.S. Highway *1 North Brusnwick N.J. 08902 Call o'- Write 1-800-828-4488 (Out of Stete) 201-828-4488 (New Jersey) Page 14 Eighth Hungarian Tribe

