The Bethlen Home Messenger, 1991-1992 (1-4. szám)
1991-12-01 / 1. szám
Cfje ÏÏktblen ïjûnte Messenger HOLIDAY / WINTER ISSUE • DECEMBER • JANUARY • FEBRUARY P.O. Box 657, Ligonier, PA 15658-0657 /°i 9///^ XPictured below are several photos taken at the bazaar. 1991 BAZAAR A HUGE SUCCESS!!!! OVER $7,000 DOLLARS RAISED Recently the Bethlen Home Activity Department held their 13th annual Fundraiser on the first weekend in November. Through everyones support we were able to raise over $7,000 dollars. This year's proceeds continues to grow with the sale of leftover craft items. I would like to take this opportunity to give special "Thanks and Recognition" to the many families, residents, volunteers, staff, local merchants, members of the Federation and the public for their continuing support they have given me throughout the year. Through your overwhelming generosity we were able to raise over $2,000 dollars more than the previous year. Residents and Volunteers had been working continuously up to the day. Everyone was ready and excited. Customers were ready and waiting for that final moment when the doors would be opened for the craft sale. This year one of the hottest items to be sold was the Bethlen Home Volunteer Cookbook. We sold 200 copies and have already put in for a reorder to the company. The baked goods, candies and jellies, and flea market also sold out. A wide variety of crafts from woodwork, baby quilts to Christmas items were sold. Special visit was also made from the Fairport Harbor Church and their congregation, along with their minister and his family, Rev. Lajos Medgyesi. These folks traveled clear from the Cleveland, Ohio area to join in on the fun. A bus of forty visitors toured the Bethlen Home as well as downtown Ligonier. We enjoyed your visit and hope that you will rr°ke it an annual outing each year! I would also like to thank Esther Berkey and the dietary department for all their hard work in preparing the food. As always you've done an outstanding job. One of the most popular items on the menu was the Hungarian Gyulas. Special "Thanks" to chef Leslie Kastel for a job well done. Leslie had been outdoors cooking his special recipe since 6 a.m. that morning. Special "Thanks" go out to Scott Palmer, Árpád Kastel and Leslie Kastel for their hard work in helping to set up the tables, etc. They also helped with various odds and ends of woodwork. "Thanks" to the many volunteers who spent many hours working on woodwork, quilting, cross stitch, etc. at home. You certainly went beyond the call of duty. I couldn't have done it without you! Sincerely, Sherry A. Humbertson Activity Director