Fraternity-Testvériség, 2008 (86. évfolyam, 1-3. szám)

2008-07-01 / 3. szám

A__1 CONVENTION THE 38TH QUADRENNIAL CONVENTION OF THE HRFA The 38th Quadrennial Convention of the Hungarian Reformed Federation of America was held in Ligonier, PA between September 28 - October 2, 2008. The convention convened on Sunday afternoon with a wreath-laying ceremony at the bandstand in central Ligonier, which was followed by the Official Opening Divine Worship Service of the Convention held at the Moriah Chapel in the Bethlen Communities. On Monday morning, Mr. John Morey, Chairman of the Board, opened the Convention and extended a warm welcome to the members of the Board of Directors, advisors, delegates and guests. The Opening Prayer was offered by Rev. Imre Bertalan followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The Convention selected Rev. Alexander Jalso as its Secretary. The first order of business was the report of the Credentials Committee. Three delegates could not attend the convention. A roll call was taken indicating that 32 delegates, 11 Board of Directors and 1 National Officer were present. Thus, the total voting members were 43. The Convention adopted the agenda in accordance with the By-Laws of the Federation. WREATH-LAYING Discussion concerning travel expenses and per diem proposals was presented by Mr. Leslie L. Megyeri, Secretary-Treasurer, on behalf of the Executive Committee. The Convention delegates accepted the agreed-upon fees. In memoriam of past directors and members of the Federation, Bishop Koloman K. Ludwig conducted a memorial service. The Convention adopted the reports of the Chairman of the Board, Secretary-Treasurer and advisors but suggested they be referred for discussion to the appropriate committees. Rev. Alexander Jalso and László Hamos presented HRFA’s Medical Director, Dr. Katalin S. Korossy, with a crystal vase for her 30 years of outstanding service to the Federation. The Convention adopted the reports of the standing committees: the administrative, the audit and examination, church and clergy relations, finance and investment, sales and marketing, and the fraternal activities. All reports were referred to the Convention committees. The Convention then considered changes to the By-Laws of the Federation. The appointed By-Laws Committee met earlier and proposed two important amendments and some minor amendments in addition to technical changes to the current By-Laws. One major proposed amendment was to change the number of National Officers from two to one. Other proposed amendments were the realignment of the districts to reduce the number of members of the Board of Directors from twelve to nine eliminating the At-Large members of the Board. The President was also not to be a member of the Board. Rev. Arpad Drotos offered closing prayers for the closing of the first day. The Convention picture was taken after the adjournment, which was followed by the Convention Banquet in the evening. The Convention was reconvened on the second day by the Chairman of the Board. Rev. Joseph Vásárhelyi offered the opening prayer. Following the roll call, the Convention Secretary read the minutes of the first day which were accepted and signed by the appointed delegates. i' W THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON July 31,2008 1 send greetings to the members of the Hungarian Reformed Federation of America as you celebrate your 38th Quadrennial Convention. For centuries, people from around the world have come to our Nation seeking liberty and the opportunity to achieve their dreams. America is more hopeful and vibrant because of the contributions of people from many different backgrounds. With talent, vision, and determination, Hungarian Americans set a positive example for others and add to the success and prosperity of our country. I appreciate your efforts to celebrate your traditions, culture, and history. Your good work contributes to our country's legacy of diversity and honors the many ways Hungarian Americans enrich the American experience and make our country a better place to live. Laura and I send our best wishes on this special occasion. FRATERNITY - TESTVÉRISÉG 3

