Fraternity-Testvériség, 1991 (69. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

1991-07-01 / 3-4. szám

FRATERNITY Page 11 It was a great honor and privilege for me to attend the "II World Conference of Hungarian hurches". I believe that the World Conference was needed so that all the Hungarian Reformed Churches could join together and get to know one another. It will create a stronger bond in the future and many things can then be accomplished when we work as one in the services of our Lord Jesus Christ. We begin to realize that all churches and all people are very much alike wherever they are in the world. We are one family and must love one another as brothers and sisters. All this is possible only through the Grace of God. I began the conference at 10:00 a.m. Friday, June 1st, when I attended a Committee meeting to discuss the forming of a "Hungarian Reformed World Federation". There were 38 members present with 11 from the USA. It was agreed that an "Alliance" should be formed. A pre­pared Constitu­tion and By-Laws was thoroughly discussed and deliberated upon. Changes were made where necessary and were finally agreed upon. Officers were elected and it was discussed that the next meeting would occur probably 5 years hence. Bishop John Bütösi was elect­ed President and Paul Szaniszlo is our Representative. Following the meeting a church service and choir cantata was held at the Kálvin Téri Reformed Church. It was there that a plaque, a gift of the Hungarian Reformed Federation of America, was presented to the church in memory of Bishop László Ravasz. László Ravasz was one of the most famous and talented leaders of the Reformed Church in Hungary. As bishop, he was the minister of the Kálvin Téri Church. After the Communist takeover in 1948, he was forced to give up his position. During the last four decades in Hungary it was prohibited even to mention his name publicly. At the service Bishop Zoltán Szűcs preached and Bishop Lóránt Hegedűs gave a lecture on Bishop Ravasz's works. Rev. Dr. Imre Bertalan, President of the Hungarian Reformed Federation of America remem­bered Bishop Ravasz at the plaque. The highlight of the day was the opening cere­monies that took place at the Budapest small stadi­um at 7:00 p.m. The opening was given by Bishop Dr. Elemér Kocsis and the service by Dr. Sándor Havadtői. There were approximately 10,000 in attendance and 600 voice choir. Everything was awe­inspiring. The next morning the conference journeyed to Debrecen where for the next 3 days the main part of the conference would continue. On Saturday evening the church services were held at the large Erdei Stadium. It was conducted by Bishop László Tőkés. It was an amazing sight to see the thousand of people that were being given Holy Communion. This was conducted by Dr. Lóránt Hegedűs. The Holy Commu­nion was given to 40,000 people by 200 ministers. The different church services and choir cantata and concerts were well attend­ed with over­flowing crowds. They were exhila­rating and inspir­ational. The ser­vices carried many messages that were being preached to the people and were taken from the Holy Bible. It was a spe­cial day for me when I was able to visit my relatives. I had sent a special delivery letter one week prior to departure, just in case they would still be alive and well. After all, we hadn't heard from them since 1969. Upon entering Izsófalva, my father's birthplace, the first person I spoke to told me that my letter had been received and my first cousin Zoltán Vigh was anxiously waiting for me. It was a joyous occasion and I was able to meet 7 relatives and was told of many more. At my mother's birthplace at Abaujszolnok, it was a repeat situation. There too my letter had preceded me and they were anxiously waiting. I was greeted by my mother's nieces and a nephew. I was also informed of all the other relatives who were The Hungarian Heritage Tour Group at The Heroes Memorial Gate in Mohács

