Fraternity-Testvériség, 1987 (65. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

1987-01-01 / 1. szám

FRATERNITY Page 3 FROM THE PRESIDENT'S CORNER It is my privilege and joy to introduce once a year to our fraternal family the faithful branch managers and agents of the Hungar­ian Reformed Federation of America who are the life­line of our organization. Although we are happy and thankful for our pres­ence, for our Home Office in the Nation’s Capital, we consider our presence in the 13 States and Canada — in great cities as well as in remote communities — just as important. We are represented by our branch managers and agents in over 100 such communities. Who are they are and what is their role in their respective community? I was recently faced with the task of replacing one of our branch managers, who because of ill­ness was obliged to resign. Within a few days I found a person, a second generation Hungarian- American, deeply rooted in church and community life, who also served in the church council. From unsolicited references I learned that she is a known and highly respected person. When I asked her if she would take over the branch, she answered: “It is an honor for me to serve the Federation.” Not a word was mentioned about compensation or what she would be getting out of this job. Another branch manager postponed his resig­nation, since one of the elderly members of his branch told him that he was his only visitor. “Who will call on me if even you stay away, my son?” His only visitor was our representative. Thus there are many stories that help us un­derstand the importance of our branch managers and their role in the community. Part of the branch manager’s responsibility, is dues collection and this should not be under­estimated. Dues always played a very important part in the economy of the early Hungarians. Outstanding in my memory are my visits as a pastor to the shut-ins which always had a liturgical undertone. After the greetings came the exchange of news: I spoke about the church, and they re­lated stories of their children — never a word about themselves — then followed the prayer and communion. Afterwards he would reach to the top of the “credenc” for the dues books: one containing the monthly dues for the church, and the other those for the “Egylet”; he would hand them over to me and by signing them, the symbol of trust and service was enacted. Today most members pay their dues by mail and on a yearly rather than monthly basis. How­ever, a true branch manager will never forget the need of the shut-in, and in many places where there is no pastor, he or she will share the burden of the lonely. Children and children’s children will remember that the Federation always represented insurance service linked with fraternal concern. Indeed we still have the branch managers and agents system. These people give their time for a fair, yet token compensation. Our Federation is represented by people with heart and not by money-hungry agents, who go about their business without really caring for the member’s real need. And we intend to continue just this way! In the Home Office there is great appreciation and honor for our branch managers. The “We — They” attitude is eliminated and gives way to the biblical idea: “We are one body with many mem­bers of different but of equally important service.” The President of the Federation cannot do what a branch manager is so able to do. The branch managers are our extended Home Office. They are the presence of the Federation in the com­munity, where insurance and fraternal needs of our members are serviced by them. We wish to let our Hungarian-American com­munity know that our representative are equipped with the most competitive and up-to-date port­folio. Our rates are favorably comparable to those of any commercial and any other fraternal com­pany. Trust our branch manager and give him or her a chance to serve your insurance and fraternal needs before listening to the promises of other representatives. In closing, I am happy and proud to introduce our representatives — our dedicated branch man­agers and agents. AZ ELNÖK ROVATA Időről-időre büszke örömmel mutatjuk be olva­sóinknak azokat a munkatársainkat, akiknek kezén forog az Egyesület jövőjét biztosító munka, a helyi osztályok kezelőit, azokat a személyeket, akik a mi testvérsegítő egyesületünkben döntően fontos sze­repet játszanak. Ök a mi szervező karunk. Űj ta­gok szerzése, régiek megtartása rajtuk keresztül tör­ténik. A díjak begyűjtése nagy tehertétel számukra. A távolságok sok időt és pénzt emésztenek fel. Ezt a tagok is tudják és ma már csaknem mindenki,

