Fraternity-Testvériség, 1985 (63. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

1985-01-01 / 1. szám

FRATERNITY Page 3 FROM THE PRESIDENT The first meeting of the new Board of Directors took place during the week of March 11, 1985. For the first time since the regis­tered history of the Federa­tion, 9 out of 15 members of the Board are first- timers. It is also new in a deeper sense. When this Board was elected at the 1984 Con­vention, it pledged to dedicate itself to the princi­ples of our founders with renewed self-esteem and pride, so that the Federation regain its place in the Hungarian-American community. It also pledged to further our marketing and charitable fraternal work — a service appreciated throughout the almost 90 years of our history. Old and new board members stand united on those principles. The meeting was opened by the reading of the reports of the National Officers. These reports were very reassuring, especially from the financial point of view — the admitted assets have in­creased and reached the all time high of $21,466,- 668 — the solvency ratio is up to $136.21 (for every insured $1.00, there is $1.36 coverage), thus the HRFA is bigger and stronger than ever before. The past four years have proved to be successful ones, showing a new profit. By oppointing Mr. Joseph F. Tegze as National Director of Sales, we are confidently looking for­ward to overcoming the problem of loss in mem­bership and insufficient new business. Mr. Tegze has the undivided support of the Board to ac­complish this challenging work. His place in the Board has been taken by Mr. László Lipoczky, who is now one of the representatives for the east­ern area. Important recommendations which ensued from the committee meetings came before the plenary sessions. For the first time, the entire minutes will be published in the Fraternity. I would like to highlight to our readers the decisions and our en­deavors as follows: — Our good financial standing and stability will enable us to continue with our fraternal work on an increased scale. Financial assistance will be granted to the following projects: — $24,000 to our foremost charitable work: BETHLEN HOME in LIGONIER, PA - our NURSING HOME, thus the good work among our elderly members may be carried on. — $6,000 to BETHLEN MUSEUM & AR­CHIVES. The board has authorized that the Board of Managers advertize a new position for an Assistant to the Administrator. This person would also be responsible for the work connected with the Museum and Archives. — The development of the RETIREMENT VILLAGE has also received the full support of the Board. — YOUTH CAMPS of our Churches in the United States and Canada will receive increased assistance. Members of the Federation are en­titled to additional individual help. — LANGUAGE SCHOOLS: Intensive week­end courses to college level are among the recipi­ents of our financial assistance. — BOY SCOUTS have been granted a dona­tion toward the building of the RAVASZ CHA­PEL at the SÍK SÁNDOR CAMP in the State of New York. — The American Hungarian Folklore Centrum was donated money to purchase a movie projector. — Hungarian Churches and civic associations which identify themselves with the goals of the Federation are encouraged to seek our support. — RESTORATION of the STATUE OF LIB­ERTY and ELLIS ISLAND. The HRFA joins the fellow fraternal associations of America in the nationwide effort to restore these historical land­marks. The Board urges each of our branches to make plans to raise money for this project. The donations of the branches or individuals will be matched by the Board. The Directors of the HRFA took upon themselves the responsibility of appointing committees in their respective geo­graphical areas made up of branch officers and members. A schedule of the events to take place must be submitted to the President by May 31, 1985. Directors and branch leaders are urged to use this opportunity to honor those people who came into the United States of America through the gates of Ellis Island. Tapes, films, etc. com­memorating these events will be sent to the Presi­dent, who in turn will place them in the museum and archives of our Bethlen Home. — The 90th ANNIVERSARY OF THE FED­ERATION is just around the corner. The same committee as the one appointed for the restora­tion of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island will also be in charge of this big event. Among the

