Fraternity-Testvériség, 1979 (57. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)
1979-01-01 / 1. szám
FEDERATION OF AMERICA OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE HUNGARIAN REFORMED FEDERATION OF AMERICA •' VOLUME LVII JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH, 1979 NUMBER t (USPS 208-820) SPRING BELONGS TO EASTER Spring itself is Resurrection! Bough and bud combine to prove That death is a temporal imperfection Through which all of Life must move. From the husk new green arises, From the kernel roots appear, And though our hopes wear dark disguises, Faith can find its white robes here. Ralph W. Seager CHRIST BEFORE PILATE — by Michael de Munkácsy TESTVÉRISÉG KIADJA: AZ AMERIKAI MAGYAR REFORMÁTUS EGYESÜLET