Fraternity-Testvériség, 1967 (45. évfolyam, 2-12. szám)

1967-03-01 / 3. szám

trónusa, az ottani egyház egyfolytában 44 éven keresztül szolgált lelkipásztora, Egyesületünknek tagja és hűséges támo­gatója, Nt. Szabó András, 1967 március 12-én visszaadta lelkét Teremtőjének. Az élete nagyobb felét már Amerikában leélt, de mindhalálig igaz magyar lelki- pásztort március idusán kisérték utolsó útjára, 72 éves korában. Nt. Szabó András, az amerikai és ma­gyar életbe is előnyösen beilleszkedő és áldásos munkát végző közéleti egyéniség, az ujhaza földjében alussza majd a boldogok álmát, ahol úgy az ó, mint az ujhazának, több nemzedékbeli fiakat és leányokat nevelt. Mint az Ur hűséges szolgájának, hitét és népét szerető ma­gyar veeztőférfiunak és barátnak életéért és szolgálataiért Istennek hálát adunk. Legyen áldott emlékezete. GÉZA LAMPÉRTH 07. c Spirit Of SP ecths On March 15th. Before my statue, year by year, You kindle candles made of speech. I hark to each In unresponsive stiffness here And to the sky my bronze arm rear In silent grief that fain would teach. Ah, if on this my holy day A holy wonder should befall My pedestal. And my stiff arm again might sway And my cold, brazen lips essay The accents of a nation’s call . . . The factions of my shattered land Would rally to one holy sign Before my shrine; Kindling not only words they’d stand, But consecrating heart and hand To Magyar destiny divine! Translated by Watson Kirkconnell. 3f a aster ße JVot L <J rue If Easter be not true, ’Twere foolishness the cross to bear; He died in vain who suffered there; What matter though we laugh or cry, Be good or evil, live or die, If Easter be not true? —H. H. Barstow. s> }pnng rJlos When I behold a flower of spring Climb through the ground to blossoming, I know that through the winter’s dearth God has been toiling in the earth, Turning the ground’s cold heaviness To many-colored loveliness, Working in each and every place Some bright new miracle of grace. —Clarence E. Flynn. EASTER (I. Peter 1:3) It is hardly possible to imagine a more depressed and discouraged group of men, than the disciples of Jesus Christ after His crucifixion. With Him on the cross, everything seemed to be shattered — their faith, their trust in God, their hope and belief in Christ as the Messiah, who was to restore the kingdom of Israel as they watched for it, and the kingdom of God as they hoped for it. They had lost everything; Calvary was the end of the world for them. Yet, in a few days we find the disciples united, strong, exultant, a group of changed men, facing the world with faith, with new hope, with a definite message in their hearts and on their lips. What was the divine act which had quickened their souls into new hope and power? IT WAS THE RESURREC­TION OF CHRIST FROM THE DEAD. This changed everything. Peter describes the change that came over them through the resurrection as a rebirth and said: “Blessed be God, who hath begotten us again unto living hope.” Actually, two things happened to the disciples on Easter after Christ rose from the dead: their confidence, their faith in God was restored, because He had not allowed the cross to be the last word. The second thing that happened with them was, that their faith was not only restored, but reborn, after it had been broken to pieces in the shattering cross. It rose to life in a new form. The risen Christ dispelled for them the ancient darkness of pain and sin; and their old, dark, sad and sinful world was love-lit through and through. With the risen Christ and with their rekindled hope, they could face the world, they could face anything; and so could we today! There is no other way to get “living hope” of which Peter speaks, but the disciples’ way. It is to see and follow the risen, the living Christ. It is to get a vision of His deathless love before which sin and the grave are powerless. It is to see that love, His kind of love, is the only way to real happiness, peace with God and with our fellowmen. To meet, to know and then to follow the risen Christ in the depths of our being, that is the experience that quickens hope, strengthens faith, enriches love and always assures us of a happy Easter, a happy and hope­ful life. Nothing else will do it. Let us, therefore, lift up our hearts and pray with the Apostle Paul: Blessed be God, who hath gotten us again unto living hope. Joseph Kecskemethy CD 'Resurrection <D\lorn! 0 blessed resurrection morn! When agony of death’s grim plight— The weight of sin by mortals borne— Fades with the darkness from our sight: Christ Jesus lives—He is not dead—• He rules triumphant, as He said. The age of darkness ends at last, The day of heav’nly life comes on; Death’s panoply of hate that cast Despair and sorrow is withdrawn: Christ Jesus lives to set men free And share with them Love’s victory. —H. L. Wilhem DUorlJ DJnvisil he 0 world invisible, we view thee; O world intangible, we touch thee; O world unknowable, we know thee; Inapprehensible, we clutch thee! —Francis Thompson. Dfhe Snn Jßl1 Ne’er was the sky so deep a hue But that the sun came breaking through; There never was a night so dark But wakened to the singing lark; Nor was there ever a lane so long It had no turn for the weary throng; Nor heart so sad that sometime after There came no sound of lilting laughter: And Death’s not the end—’neath the cold black sod— ’Tis the Inn by the Road on our way to God. —C. E. Warner. FRATERNITY OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE HUNGARIAN REFORMED FEDERATION OF AMERICA Edited by the Officers of the Federation Published monthly, with the exception of the summer months, when the June-July and August-September issues are combined. Subscription for non-members in U. S. A. & Canada $2, elsewhere $3 a year. Office of Publication: Standard Press, 364 Somerset St., New Brunswick, N. J. 08901. Editorial Office: 3216 New Mexico Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C. 20016 EDITORIAL COMMITTEE THE SUPREME OFFICERS Dr. Zoltán Béky, President Rev. Joseph Kecskeméthy, Secretary Paul St. Miklóssy, Treasurer László L. Eszenyi, Controller Second Class Postage Paid at the Post Office in Somerset, New Jersey. 8

