Fraternity-Testvériség, 1960 (38. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1960-03-01 / 3. szám

8 FRATERNITY later in verse. The great name in connection with the versifying of the Psalms, an idea he learned abroad, is that of Albert Molnár Szenczi (pronounced “Sentsi”). He himself tells us that he completed the whole Psalter in Hungarian verse in less than a hundred days. We learn that at Holy Communion the mon­strance must have been used, because we read Albert Szenczi Molnár that the Puritans objected to the practice on the ground that it was not biblical in origin, and as being too close to the Roman Catholic practice. We find the Puritans advocating again that bap­tism be administered only on Sundays, and that, too, only within a church building and as part of public divine worship. It seems that the landed gentry demanded baptism for their children in t'heir own homes. There seems to have been dis­cussions also on the question of reserving the Sacrament for distribution later to the sick.

