Szemészet, 2004 (141. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

2004-06-01 / 2. szám

Szemészet Council of the agency. Ildikó Süveges was elected an honorary member of the Finnish Ophthalmology Society. Péter Rácz was awarded the Batthyány-Strattmann prize by the Ministry of Health. The winners of the Papolczy Award were: Edit Tóth-Molnár and colleagues (Szeged); Péter Vass (Szeged) with Éva Mirk (Vecsés). On 29 May 1998 the SHIOL held an electoral meeting. The new office-holders were: President, György Salacz; Vice- President, Bálint Kovács; Secretary, Zsolt Bíró. On 26 November 1998 the Retina Section of the Hungarian Ophthalmo­­logical Society elected new officers. The new president was István Hatvani; Secretary, Viktória Mester. In 1998 “Szemészet” published a special issue. This featured articles by eye-surgeons who had been pioneers in the introduction of the phacoemulsification technique, and they provided descriptions of their experiences of using this method. In acknowledgement of their achievements, the SHIOL presented each of the 9 pioneers with a diploma. The Executive Committee of the Society resolved on a “new look” for the “Szemészet” journal. New special-subject sections appeared, each with a permanent section-editor. Since 1998 information on ophthalmological subjects had been available on the Internet web-site “Ophthalmology on the Internet”. In 1998 a new university textbook by Ildikó Süveges titled “Ophthalmology” was published. András Berta received a Chibret Fellowship Award (Lisbon). In the same year the Hungarian version of Professor G. K. Noorden’s book “Strabismus” was published. The translation had been performed by Anna Soprani as a “labour of love”. We learn from the calendar of events published in the 1998 “Szemészet” that the following congresses were to be held in the forthcoming year: 18-20 March: SHIOL Congress (Keszthely). 22-24 April: “Imaging in Ophthalmology” international conference (Budapest). 29-31 July: “Complications of diabetes mellitus”; interdisciplinary conference of the Hungarian Ophthalmological So­ciety, the Hungarian Diabetes Society, and the Debrecen Medical School (Debrecen). 1 October: Congress and general assembly of the Hungarian Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabology Society (Buda­pest). 8-9 October: Congress of the Alps-Adria International Ophthalmology Society, and of the Contact Lens Society of Hungarian Ophthalmologists and Optometrists (Keszthely). 15 October: Tibor Nónay Memorial Meeting of the 2nd Department of Ophthalmology, in commemoration of his 100th birth-anniversary (Budapest). 11-13 November: Scientific session of the Retina Section of the Hungarian Ophthalmological Society (Kecskemét). 18 March: ALCON allergy symposium (Budapest) 31 March: Ophthalmology-resident training in Europe and Hungary (Budapest). 16 September: ALCON glaucoma symposium (Budapest). 16-18 September: Congress of Society of Hungarian Assistant Ophthalmologists (SHAO) (Zalaegerszeg). In 1998 the Society suffered a great loss with the death of László Remenár (b. 1917) who for 38 years had edited “Szemészet” employing his exemplary scientific knowledge and diplomatic skills. For a considerable period he had been the only practising orbital surgeon in Hungary. A sad event in 1999 was the death of István Győrffy (1912-1999), who was loved and respected by the whole profession. His obituary was written by György Salacz. The curatorium of the Pécs Medical School Ophthalmology Fund announced a non-recurring award named in honour of Dr. István Arató. Any publication in the field of ophthalmology written by an author under the age of 40 was eligible. It is worthy of mention that in one of the new “special-subject” sections of “Szemészet” there appeared an article by Professor H. Slezak of Vienna titled “Vienna and Budapest: seed-beds of European ophthalmology”. The article, translated into Hungarian by Magdolna Zajácz, gives numerous interesting details on Austrian-Hungarian professional connections. In the “Professional Policy” section, János Németh published a study titled “Quality assurance in the health service and in ophthalmology”. “Szemészet” congratulated Professors Ildikó Süveges and György Salacz on their 60th birthdays, and published articles written in their honour by friends and former students. A “Festschrift” volume was published to mark the 10th anniversary of the teaching career of Professor Bálint Kovács (1988-1998). It contained contributions from his friends and students. The Executive Committee, in accordance with a proposal of the Presidential Board, resolved to provide financial support to enable members to participate in foreign congresses. The condition of eligibility was that the person concerned should have had a lecture or poster accepted by the congress. In 1999, one million Forints was available for these awards. The most significant scientific event of the year 2000 was the Millennium Congress of the Hungarian Ophthalmological Society, held in Székesfehérvár from 24-26 August. The Congress was organised by Professor Kovács. On this occasion a facsimile edition was published of the classic 1831 textbook by Theophil Johann von Fabini, “Doctrina de morbis ocu­lorum”. The Congress attracted many members of the profession both from Hungary and abroad. Professor Ágost Kahán and János Alpár, Director of the St. Luke Ophthalmology Institute (Amarillo, USA) were awarded the Imre - Blaskovics Medal. At the concurrent exhibition, some 30 companies showed their technical products. The obituaries of Society members were for István Takáts, professor emeritus, who died in his 75th year; Ferenc Fodor, ophthalmology professor from Transylvania (b. 1920); and Anna Bertényi (b. 1929) formerly of the 2nd Department of Ophthalmology. Further events of the year 2000 were: Magdolna Zajácz

