Szemészet, 1969 (106. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

1969-11-01 / 4. szám

Dohrmann К. Pischel, M. D. Bayard H. Colyear, Jr., M. D. 490 Post Street San Francisco 2, California February 23, 1961 Andrew deRoetth M. D. Old National Bank Building Spokane 1, Washington Dear Doctor deRoetth: I am very grateful to you for sending me a translation of Blaskovics’ paper on the modification of Miiller’s Sclerectomy for retinal detachment. It was of course not available here and even if it had been I never could have found anyone with an understanding of the language and the subject the way you have. I am going to keep it personally for a while and then shall give it to our Library at the Presbyterian Medical Center in San Francisco, where it will be open to others. Your translation really is a true contribution to ophthalmological educa­tion. Again, many thanks. With best wishes, I am Yours truly, DKP bbc Dohrmann K. Pischel, M. D. 2. ábra 3. ábra. Blaskovics mint az Állami Szemkórház igazgatója munkatársaival 252

