Századok – 2010

TANULMÁNYOK - Varga Szabolcs: Nádasdy Tamás horvát-szlavón bánsága (1537-1539)

822 VARGA SZABOLCS colleague Péter Keglevics's most important task was to stabilize the front line collapsed after the fall of Pozsega county. Therefore, they started to build up first Jaszenovác at the confluence of the Sava and the Una, and after the fall of the former, Usztilónya. Most times the deputy of Keglevics and Nádasdy, András Tarnóci controlled this work as Nádasdy rarely visited the territory. This fact led to bitter conflicts between the two bans, and Nádasdy resigned after two years. He used his practical experience later in building up the Transdanubian defensive system.

