Iegar, Diana - Sárándi Tamás: Satu Mare. Amprentele trecutului (Satu Mare, 2009)


1899-ben egy új állomásépületet emeltek, amely a mai napig betölti funkcióját. A szimmetrikus elrendezésű épület neoklasszicista stílusú, homlokzatát téglából alakították ki. Földszintes és emeletes épülettöm­bök váltják egymást. A középső, emeletes szárnyban van a főbejárat. A földszintes tömbök felső részén a vasúttörténelem jelesebb személyi­ségeit ábrázoló medalionok láthatók. Díszítése csak a párkányzatokra hagyatkozik, az ablakkeretek fölött árkádosán, az emeletes részek tető­zete alatt pedig kötélmotívumot imitálva. The Railway Station One of the consequences of the dynamic economical development of the regions of Satu Mare county, during the second half of the 19th century, was the construction of railway lines, with the purpose of connecting the important urban centers of the area. The first line, completed in 1871, assured the connection between Satu Mare and Carei. A year later, the railway to Sighetu Marmaţiei was finished, while in 1884, the railway connection with Baia Mare city was established. At the same time, the first Railway Station was constructed in Satu Mare in 1870, but because of its inadequate size, the building was replaced in 1899 with the actual building. The neoclassical building was made of brick, and it is characterized by a symmetric ground-plan.Two-level parts of the building alternate with single-level wings, while the main entrance being in the two-leveled central part. In the upper freeze of the faţade, relief medallions are placed presenting famous personali­ties of the railway history. The ornaments are reduced to the arcade­­form cornices at the windows, and some rope motifs under the roof of the upper portions. GARA • VASÚTÁLLOMÁS • RAILWAY STATION 141

