Marta, Liviu - Gindele, Robert: Tezaure dacice din Transcarpatia (Satu Mare, 2014)


regarding the data provided from 1744-1749, period with large religious unrests in the life of the Romanians caused mainly by the departure of bishop Klein31 from the head of Făgăraş diocese but also by the appearance of the Serbian Orthodox monk Visarion Sarai32 which in our opinion managed to seriously unsettle Greek-Catholicism. As a matter of fact the years 1731-1750, to which the documents in volume point, are years filled with conflicting events from all points of view. This period is dominated by the imposing figures of Habsburg Kings, Charles VI (died in 1740) and especially of the Empress Maria Theresa, the emblematic figure of the enlightened monarch of the 18th century. She initiated of a vast platform of reforms, meant to improve the fate of her subjects, especially the large mass of the peasantry, and thus to increase the revenue of the State. These reforms embraced also the Church where we mention the patents of 1741 and 1744 designed to improve the fate of the Greek Catholic Priesthood, the calendar reform by limiting religious holidays, the creation of higher education institutions meant to prepare priests and teachers (remember that during this period the seminars of Blaj and of Mukachevo are started, the Romano Catholic high schools from Satu Mare, Sighetu Marmaţiei, Cărei etc33. In the analysis of this period we should remember that between the years 1740-1748 the Austrian throne succession war took place, ended by the peace of Achen which established Maria Theresa’s right to occupy the throne. In these circumstances, it is clear why the Bishops of Mukachevo, Gheorghe Bizanczy (1716-1733), Simeon Olsavszky, Gheorghe Blajovszky but especially Mihail Olsavszky (1743-1767) through a moderate policy achieved extremely positive results for the fate of the diocese they led. We list just a few: the subordination of Maramureş under the jurisdiction of the Mukachevo diocese, after it had been for nearly 200 years submitted to the Diocese of Alba Iulia (by the peace of Adrianople, signed in 1568 between Sultan Selim and Emperor Maximilian of Austria, Maramureş came under the jurisdiction of Transylvanian Princes)34. Also among the triumphs we can include the annual subsidy received by the diocese from the Cassa parochorum. Last but not least is the dignity 31 For details regarding this subject see dr. Augustin Bunea, Din istoria românilor Episcopul loan Inocenţiu Klein (1728-1751), Blaş, 1900; Francisc Pall, Inochentie Міси Klein Exilul la Foma 1745- 1768, vol І-ll Cluj-Napoca, 1997; D. Prodan, Supplex Libellus Valachorum, New edition, remake, Bucureşti, 1967 32 Extensively see Mircea Păcurariu, Istoria bisericii ortodoxe române, voi. 2, Bucureşti, 1981; Silviu Dragomir, Istoria desrobirei religioase a românilor din Ardeal în secolul al XVIII, voi. 1, Sibiu, 1920; Greta-Monica Miron, Acţiune ortodoxă- acţiune catolică. Efectele mişcării Iui Visarion Sarai în Hunedoara, Haţeg, Zarand şi Alba, în „ Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai”, voi. 50, 2005, no. 2, p.1-36. 33 Among the numerous works devoted to the period we mention: George Barit, Părţi alese din istoria Transilvaniei, 2nd edition, volume I, Braşov, 1993; N. Iorga, Istoria românilor din Ardeal şi Ungaria, Edition cared by Georgeta Penelea, Bucureşti, 1989; Hómán Bálint, Szekfü Gyula, Magyar történet, voi. IV, Budapest, 1935; Niderhauser Emil-Gonda Imre, A Habsburgok Egyeurópai jelenség, ediţia a Il-a, Budapest, 1978; Hajdú Lajos, II József igazgatási reformjai Magyar országon, Budapest,1982; D. Prodan, Problema iobagiei în Transilvania 1700 - 1848 , Bucureşti, 1989; Angelika Schaser, Reformele iosefine în Transilvania şi urmările lor în viaţa socială, Sibiu, 2000; Naresi istorii Zakarpattia, Tom I, Ujgorod, 1992. 34 Cf. I. Dulişkovici, Istoriceskiia certî Ugro-Russkih, voi III, Ungvár, 1877, p.99-101. 12

