B. Papp szerk.: Studia Botanica Hungarica 36. 2005 (Budapest, 2005)

Sass-Gyarmati, A., Pócs, Tamás; Orbán, Sándor: Contribution to the knowledge of the bryoflora of Detunata Nature Reserve (Metaliferi Mountains, Transylvania)

Studia bot. hung. 36, pp. 123-130, 2005 CONTRIBUTION TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE BRYOFLORA OF DETUNATA NATURE RESERVE (METALIFERI MOUNTAINS, TRANSYLVANIA) A. SASS-GYARMATI 1 , T. PÓCS 2 and S. ORBÁN 1 'Research Group for Bryology, HAS, Department of Botany, Eszterházy College H-3301 Eger, P. O. Box 43, Hungary; lopho@freemail.hu 2 Department of Botany, Eszterházy College, H-3301 Eger, P. O. Box 43, Hungary Records of the bryophytes collected on Mt Detunata, a bryologically neglected area provided some interesting data to the floristical knowledge of the Western Carpathians (Transylvania). Two hepatic and six moss species, namely Lophozia longidens, Ptilidium ciliare, Bryum lanatum, Dicranum tau­ricum, Diphyscium foliosum, Mnium spinosum, Pseudobryum cinclidioides and Tetraphis pellucida are new records to the Metaliferi Mountains. Prezenta lucrare cuprinde o lista a briofitelor colectate de autori din rezervatia geologicä Detunatele din Muntii Metaliferi, zona mai putin studiatä din punct de vederé briologic. 8 spécii sint noi pentru M-tii Metaliferi: Lophozia longidens, Ptilidium ciliare, Bryum lanatum, Dicranum tauricum, Di­physcium foliosum, Mnium spinosum, Pseudobryum cinclidioides si Tetraphis pellucida. Key words: bryophytes, Detunata, Erdélyi Érchegység, Metaliferi Mountains, Mtii Apuseni, Roma­nian Western Carpathians INTRODUCTION Research on the bryoflora of Mt Detunata in the Metaliferi Mountains, (partly realised within the framework of the bilateral relations between the Romanian and Hungarian Academies of Sciences) intends to further provide new data to the bryoflora of the region. The present paper is a continuation of a series by GYAR­MATI (2000), PÓCS etal (2002), ORBÁN and BÁLINT (2002), BÁLINT and ORBÁN (2003), ORBÁN and SASS-GYARMATI (2003). While we were expecting the domi­nance of xerophytic species (as observed on similar basaltic volcanoes) during the exploration it turned out that the special geomorphology of the scree slope and scree holes provide special microclimatic conditions (low temperatures, high hu­midity) which support the existence of numerous periglacial species. The investigated area The geological reserve of Detunata is part of the Metaliferi Mountains (Erdé­lyi Érchegység), located in the southern part of the Western Carpathians in Tran­sylvania (Fig. 1). The reserve is noted for its massive basalt columns of hexagonal

