B. Papp szerk.: Studia Botanica Hungarica 36. 2005 (Budapest, 2005)

Siller, Irén, Vasas, Gizella , Pál-Fám, Ferenc , Bratek, Zoltán , Zagyva, Imre; Fodor, Lívia: Hungarian distribution of the legally protected macrofungi species

Kelemér: Kis-Mohos. Private collection of L. Albert: Őrség: Szalafő. Private col­lection of L. Albert and B. Dima: Mátra: Sirok, Nyírjes-tó. Leucopaxillus macrocephalus (Schulzer) Bohus (Agari cales, Tricholomataceae) Cap: 10-20 cm in diameter, ochre, ochraceous brown; surface slightly pubes­cent, margin strongly involuted when young, filamentous, felty, later becoming crenulate. Gills: decurrent with small tooth; whitish when young, then creamy, finally yellow, often with rusty patches. Stem: thick, flattered, beet-like at base, radicant, often in groups; white when young, later somewhat paler than cap, surface hairy, filamentous. Flesh: thick; whitish, in upper part of stem characteristic marbled; scent is reminiscent of corn-silk, taste slightly bitter. Life-strategy: saprobiont. Occurrences in Hungary, habitats: May-November, in oakwoods on roots of Quercus in singles or in groups. Mainly in warm, slightly open, seminatural oakwoods (BOHUS 1966). Distribution, frequency: rare all over Europe, distributed in Southern and Central Europe. Occurs only in a few countries, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, Austria (Steiermark) (MOSER 1983). In Hungary it is regarded relatively frequent (BaBOS 1989), however, it appears to be in decline. Hungarian red list category: 3. Justification: The semi natural old-growth oak woods are becoming increas­ingly rare which poses danger for the survival of this species. Formerly known as being frequent (BABOS 1989), the past 20 years show a decline in Hungary. This large-size, spectacular macrofungus, (so far the biggest specimen was measured 1.75 kg) makes people tempted to collect it. Known Hungarian records: BABOS (1989): Kópháza (ad truncum vivum), Csapod, Horpácsi-erdő (in quercetó), Őrség: Szalafő (in silva mixta), Kő­szegi-hegység: Gencsapáti, Pamuk (immedate pr. truncum Quercus), Mecsek: Pécs, Vértes: Bikol-puszta (in quercetó), Csókakő: Bakony: Farkasgyepü (Quer­cus root), Bia (in vicinitate Quercus), Üröm (in quercetó), Kamaraerdő, Török­bálint (in silva mixta, cum Quercus), Gödöllő: Tölgyes (in quercetó arenoso), Börzsöny: Borbély-hegy, Esztergom, Barát-kút (in silva frondosa), Százhalom­batta. RlMÓCZI (1994): Bakony: Farkasgyepü (Querco petraeae-Carpinetum transdanubicum), Soproni-hegység (Querco petraeae-Carpinetum laitaicum).

