B. Papp szerk.: Studia Botanica Hungarica 36. 2005 (Budapest, 2005)

Siller, Irén, Vasas, Gizella , Pál-Fám, Ferenc , Bratek, Zoltán , Zagyva, Imre; Fodor, Lívia: Hungarian distribution of the legally protected macrofungi species

Occurrences in Hungary, habitats: fresh fruit-body from August to October, on dry, salty, sandy pastures, on sand between mosses and lichens. Dried fruit­bodies might remain through several years. Characteristic continental steppe ele­ment. Distribution, frequency: Very rare in Europe. Outside Hungary also found in Slovakia, Bohemia and Germany (Eastern Germany) (JÜLICH 1984). Outside Eu­rope, at present only known from Mongolia (DÖRFELT 1985). Hungarian red list category: 1. Justification: Rare all over Europe, however, the largest populations are sup­posed to be in Hungary. Known Hungarian records: BABOS (1999): Sükösd. HOLLOS (1901,1903): Kecskemét: Nyír (in sand dune, amongst mosses and lichens), Nagykőrös: Csókás, Nagy-erdő. Private collection of I. Zagyva: Bugac-Bócsa (Festucetum vaginatae), Nagyiván (Festucetum pseudovinae), Csévharaszt (Festucetum vaginatae). Gomphidius roseus (Fr.) Fr. (Boletales, Gomphidiaceae) Cap: 3-6 cm in diameter, becoming slightly funnel-shaped, its rim involute for long; rose, reddish coloured; surface sticky when wet, shiny when dry. Gills: loose, thick, decurrent; white when young, then grey; covered by white arachnoid fibres when young, which are breaking later. Stem: cylindrical, tapering downwards; whitish, often rose at base; upper part fibrous when young, a dark veil-zone coloured dark by spores is observed. Flesh: whitish, rose under the skin of cap, colour is not changing; fruit­scented, with mild taste. Life-strategy: mycorrhiza. Occurrences in Hungary, habitats: September-October, under Pinus, on acidic soil, often together with Suillus bovinus. Distribution, frequency: Known from Europe, North America, Asia and South Africa (KRIEGLSTEINER 2000). Infrequent in Europe, scattered in moun­tains. Probably it follows the distribution of Suillus bovinus. Very rare in Hungary; life conditions are suitable for its growth only at a few sites in the country. Hungarian red list category: 2. Justification: Rare in Europe. It has a striking habit, and also endangered be­cause of its extreme habitat requirements (similar to those of Suillus bovinus). Known Hungarian records: ALBERT (1999): Vendvidék: Felsőszölnök (Genisto nervatae-Pinetum). BABOS (1989): Őrség: Farkasfa: Fekete-tó (in silva

