L. Lőkös szerk.: Studia Botanica Hungarica 27-28. 1996-97 (Budapest, 1978)

Szerdahelyi, Tibor, Penksza, Károly, Dobolyi, Konstantin Z., Szollát, György, Kapocsi, Judit; Figeczky, Gábor: Vegetation and point-mapping survey in the strictly protected areas of the landscape protection area of the Pilis Mts (Hungary)

Studia bot. hung. 27-28, pp. 131-149, 1996-97(1998) VEGETATION AND POINT-MAPPING SURVEY IN THE STRICTLY PROTECTED AREAS OF THE LANDSCAPE PROTECTION AREA OF THE PILIS MTS (HUNGARY) T. SZERDAHELYI 1 , K. PENKSZA 1 , K. Z. DOBOLYI 2 , GY. SZOLLÁT 2 , J. KAPOCSI 3 and G. FIGECZKY 1 l Dept. of Botany and Plant Physiology, Agricultural University H-2103 Gödöllő, Páter K. u. 1, Hungary Dept. of Botany, Hungarian Natural History Museum H-1476 Budapest, Pf. 222, Hungary Körös-Maros National Park H-5540 Szarvas, Anna-liget, Pf. 72, Hungary The studied regions located in the Landscape Protection Area of the Pilis Mts, Hungary, have a considerably varied geographical character. Because of the configurations of the terrain several as­sociations and sub-associations can be distinguished. The area is predominated by forests, however scrub woods, steppes and rocky grasslands play an important role as well. Most part of the studied vegetation is close to the native condition, whereas some other places are disturbed by the overpo­pulated stock of game, especially the moufflon. For each management unit a brief description of its vegetation is given together with the list of protected or notable vascular plants registered. Key words: point-mapping, Pilis Mts, vegetation map INTRODUCTION Several conditions have to be realized for a satisfactory functioning of a landscape protection area and to fulfil its tasks in nature conservation. The pro­tection of stands of all associations is necessary in order to preserve rare species and to fulfil the gene bank function. It is absolutely indispensable that silviculture has to be planned in conformity with these aims and views of nature conservation could get across considerably on the strictly protected areas. The preservation of the gene pool of a species can be realized only by sustaining, large, continuous stands. Consequently, all the activities have to be ceased, which have opposite ef­fect, which make the stands poor, getting the species to the verge of extinction, and ultimately uniformized stands are evolved. The maintenance and protection of the transitional zone between the associations is very important also, because these can ensure the tolerance, the possibility of migration for a species if the cli­matic or other changes occur. In practice it is very important to respect the pro­tective forest character of stands where it is needed. Where it is possible the res-

