L. Lőkös szerk.: Studia Botanica Hungarica 25. 1994 (Budapest, 1994)

Tóth, Sándor: Microscopic fungi of the Pilis and Visegrád Mts, Hungary

Most of the specimens listed were identified by the author as it is seen both in the references and in the list, however several colleagues contributed to the collection itself. First of all I express my gratitude to András HORANSZKY who not only collected much material, but also gave me the opportunity to participate in collection trips on several occasions. The precedenced specimens collected or treated by the author are supplied with a registration number according to the author's registration book. In cases of the published records citations are given in brackets at the end of the entry. After the abbrev. "leg.:" the name(s) of the collector(s) is(are) given in all cases unless the collector is the present author himself. Conidia or spores from samples of streams in the studied area are preceded by an asterisk (*). In these cases the number of the conidia (spores) in a droplet of water sample is given in brackets after the date of collection (1 droplet water is equal to the quantity covered by a 20 X 20 mm cover glass): - total number of conidia from 5 préparâtes is marked by an additional asterisk (*) within the brackets, - in some further cases the numbers with hyphens were modified on the basis of the other préparâtes. Three of the sampling points at the Apátkúti-patak were visited regularly (Apátkúti-p.: I. upper border of Visegrád, II. outlet of an artificial fishpond, III. "Ördögmalom"). Samples from the other streams are not fixed to similarly exact locations. FBICHTINGER'S material is treated as those collected by the present author because it was also identified by the present author, though registration numbers were not given to the specimens at that time. The recently accepted names are used wherever it is possible for the speci­mens either came from the author's own collection or from the literature. Of course, in the latter case, the names might be changed as compared to their earlier published forms. Where the connections of synonym names are hard to follow in the text, these changes are indicated more precisely. In certain cases - especially regarding to the coprophilous fungi - the species concept has changed principally since the date of its previous publication, thus it is very difficult to establish the adequate, accepted names without careful revision of the specimens in question. Names between inverted commas have clear taxonomic meaning, but do not follow the present nomenclature.

