L. Lőkös szerk.: Studia Botanica Hungarica 24. 1993 (Budapest, 1993)

Dobolyi, Konstantin Z., Szerdahelyi, Tibor; Szollát, György: Botanical bibliography of the Pilis Nature Preservation Area (Hungary)

STUDIA xxrv. BOTANICA HUNGARICA (Antea: Fragmenta Botanica) 1993 pp. 77-90 Botanical bibliography of the Pilis Nature Preservation Area (Hungary) By Z. K. Dobolyi, T. Szerdahelyi and Gy. Szollát (Received November 20, 1992) Abstract: The list contains all the botanical (floristics, plant cenology, plant geo­graphy) a total of 286 papers concerning the territory of the Pilis Mountains. The area embraces the Pilis and Visegrádi Mountains including the protected area of the Nagyszénás és Kisszénás owing to their botanical importance. The oldest publication is the Winterl's Index from 1788. The latest paper was published in 1990. Abbreviations: B — bibliography, CE — cenology, E — ecology, FL — floristics, ER — for­estry, TV — nature protection, BÖ — Börzsöny, BU — Budai-hegység, MP — Pilis-hegység, DSZ — Szentendrei-sziget, VI — Visegrádi-hegység. BABOS, M. (1959): Notes on the Occurrence in Hungary of Lactarius Species with Regard to their Range in Europe. —Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. 51: 171-196. FL, MP BABOS, M. (1966): Adatok Magyarország ritka kalaposgombáinak és pöfetegféléinek ismereté­hez II. (Angaben zur Kenntnis der seltenen Hutpilz- und Bauchpilz-Arten Ungarns. II.) — Fragm. bot. 4: 43-51. FL, VI BABOS, M. (1974): Studies on Hungarian Lepiota s. 1. Species IV. —Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. 66: 65-75. FL, MP, DSZ BABOS, M. (1980): Studies on Hungarian Lepiota s. 1. Species V. —Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. 72: 81-90. FL, VI BAKSAY, L. (1952): Monographie der Gattung Succisa. —Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. 2: 237-278. FL, MP BAKSAY, L. (1956): Cytotaxonomical Studies on the Flora of Hungary. — Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. 7: 321-334. FL, MP, DSZ, VI BAKSAY, L. (1957): The Chromosome Numbers and Cytotaxonomical Relations of Some Eu­ropean Plant Species. —Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. 8: 169-174. FL, MP, DSZ BAKSAY, L. (1958): The Chromosome Numbers of Ponto-Mediterranean Plant Species. — Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. 50: 121-125. FL, MP, VI BAKSAY, L. (1958): Egy reliktum növény -Anthyllis vulneraria ssp. alpestris a magyar flórában. (Anthyllis vulneraria ssp. alpestris, eine neue Reliktpflanze in der Ungarischen Flora.) — Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. 50: 127-130. FL, MP BARATH, Z. (1964): Waldsteppenweise, Stipetum stenophyllae pannonicum, im Ungarischen Mittelgebirge. —Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. 56: 215-227. CE, MP, VI BECK-MANNAGETTA, G. (1926): Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Orobancheen Ungarns und der benachbarten Lander. — Magyar Bot. Lapok 25: 155-160. FL, MP, VI BERNÁTSKY, J. (1908): Egy ritka Euphorbia fajunkról. (Über eine seltene ungarische Euphor­bia- Art.) — Növényt. Közlem. 7: 116-121. FL, MP 77

