L. Hably szerk.: Studia Botanica Hungarica 20. 1988 (Budapest, 1988)

Szerdahelyi, Tibor: Vegetation studies on rocky grasslands in the Pilis Mountains Hungary

sampling area (II) is close to "Öreg-szirt". The surroundings of the "Öreg-szirt" is similar to that around the "Klastrom-szirtek" but I did not find any signs of damage caused by wild animals or any marks of degradation. These sample plots are here considered as a control area. Twenty-five quadrates were sampled here, too (see Table). % 44.1 ÍA51.2 :•: 19.1 £* 8.7 I* 19.1 10.2 :§:i6.2^ :§:i6.2^ 13.2 5.8 16.2' •:• 4 3 2.9 Hemikryptophyton Therophyton Chamaephyton Geophyton Hemrtharopnyton Phanarophyton Nanophanerophyton % 22.2 26.2 : : ; 17.7 17 7 15.5 27*1 •: 5.5 : : : : : : : 11.6 : : ; 6.6 : : : : : : : 11.6 : : ; 6.6 4.4 6.7 s 5.5 4.4 5.5 4.4 Queicetea Festucetalia valesiacae Fest uco - Brornate a Indifferent species Asptanio- and Seslerio­Festucion Querco - Fagea Festucion vaginatae and rupicolae Sacalietea Til 10- Acerion , ate. °/ :" /0 : Mediterranean and submediterranean 34.2 ; :•: 32.1 European Eurasian 189 '• §29 vji Pontian Pannonian Pannonian •í:i5.6 •:• 1 1 1 lv 3.4 v South Eurasian 7.2 : |:|: 6.9 |:j 4.5 • X; 5.1 :< Circumpolar 4.5 : Si 4.6 36 i Cosmopolitan and adventive B-1 : •íio.i •:• Carpathian. Balkan. Sarmatian, East 1 II Carpathian. Balkan. Sarmatian, East The data were collected from May to September. Exposition of the slope was southwest and south-southwest with a gra­dient of 30-50°. The distribution of the flo­ral elements, life-forms and cenological characters of the species can be seen in Fig. 1. In Fig. 2 the notation is as follows: R (soil requirement), T (temperature re­quirement), F (water requirement) and N (nitrogen requirement). We used this para­meters as given by SOÓ (1964-1980) and PRISZTER (1985). The BRAUN-BLANQUET cover values were transformed by the van der MAAREL method (1979) to render them suitable for analysis by a computer pro­gramme. The data of the sample plots were processed with the help of computer, using CZEKANOWSKI's index of similarity in a cluster analysis (see the dendrogram in Fig. 3). Fig. 1 Distribution of life-forms, cenological characters and phytogeographical spectrum in the two sampled areas

