Zs. P. Komáromy szerk.: Studia Botanica Hungarica 15. 1981 (Budapest, 1981)

Dobolyi, Konstantin, Szabó, László , Szerdahelyi, Tibor; Szujkó-Lacza, Júlia: Data to the Genisto pilosae-Quercetum and the flora of the Bükk Mountains

Quercetum petraeae. This name is used by SOO (1973), too. The soil types of this com­munity were analysed and typised by SZODFRIDT (1978). The Genisto pilosae - Quercetum first was taken to be a forest type (CAJANDER 1921), later a type of Querceto-Luzuletum subcarpaticum of an 'acidiferous Genista oak-forest type' (ZÓLYOMI, JAKUCS, BARÁTH & HORÁNSZKY 1955) based on studies in the Bükk Mts. and FEKETE (1955) based on studies in the Velence Mts. in Hungary. ZÓLYOMI (1958) published a species list with estimated cover values (abundance, dominance and constancy values) as Luzulo-Quercetum subcarpaticum in the Buda Mts. and he noted this association might belong to the Genisto pilosae-Quereetum petraeae as a luzuletosum subassociation, but more probably it is an extrazonal local variant. This community had been studied by several authors (see above) but with different sizes and num­bers of sample grids. Consequently the 'similarities' of the different species lists can be exa­mined only with regard to the presence or absence of the species in the samples. The species which occurred near the sample plot, but were absent in the sample, are given in brackets together with the species in samples. The '+' means 0.1% cover. The AD values were counted as average values of the AD Intervals. Pinus silvestris (cult.) Is left out. In case of cryptogams we recorded only the presence of species. In the list the species are arranged by the structure of forests (tree, shrub and herb layer) and they are in alphabetic order. The species were identified by JÁVORKA (1925) and JÁVORKA & CSAPODY (1975). The name of plant commu­nities are given from SOÓ (1973). The flora list of Hór valley contains all the species collected by us and we indicate (!) the new data of those species which are not mentioned by SOO (1973) as 'vulgare' or 'common' in the Hungarian Central Mts. or in the Bükk Mts. The examined area is included in 7989 C and 8089 A quadrates of the Central European Flora Map (NIKLFELD 1971). Floristical data were published by SOÓ (1937), based on the data of the Herbarium VRABÉLYI that refer mostly to the Mátra Mts. and a few of them to the Bükk Mts. Besides this, there are several articles by ZÓLYOMI (1934, 1939, 1958) and others concerning the Bükk Mts. Material and methods We have found three new localities of Telekia speciosa in Hór valley and one locality of Vaccinium myrtillus In Odorhegy. The distribution and covering of Vacclnium myrtillus and Ave- nella flexuosa had been studied in ten sample quadrates in acidic locality (clay slate soil). The samples were taken according to BRAUN-BLANQUET (1964) except the cover values of the species. The cover values were estimated and expressed in a real percentage value. The sample plots constitute a real transection, because the data were taken from every second quadrate along a line. The size of quadrates were 5 to 5 m. The angle of the slope was about 45 and the exposition was north-eastern. The covering diversity (H' R) and evenness (JR) pf the individual species were calculated ex­cept where the species occurs only in one sample plot. We indicated the diversity and evenness of all the species per quadrate with H'Q and JQ and summa covering values with H' ç and Jç. The species were grouped according to the type of the distribution area (cf. SOO 1964- 73) and the life-form (RAUNKIAER 1907), too. They are indicated with H' D , J D and H' L , JL- The diversity values were calculated on the basis of SHANNON'S (1948) and evenness by PIELOU'B (1975). Results and discussion j Quercus petraea is present in all of the three layers (as seeds or adult plants) in all of the samples in the four different localities (including Odorhegy) but Digitalis grandiflora, Genista pi- losa, Luzula albida occur only In the herb layer. Calamlntha clin op odium, Carpinus betulus , Ve­ ronica officinalis are common in the samples No. 1, 2, 4, Chrysanthemum corymbosum, Fagus sllvatica, Viscaria vulgaris in the samples No. 1, 3, 4. Common species of samples No. 1, 4: Anthoxanthum odoratum, Astragalus glycyphyllus, Avenella flexuosa. Fragaria vesca , Poa nemora- lis, Stellaria holostea, Vaccinium myrtillus (Table 1). Comparing the four samples of acidiferous oak-forests of the Hungarian Central Mts. (1, 2,

