Zs. P. Komáromy szerk.: Studia Botanica Hungarica 13. 1979 (Budapest, 1979)

Kováts, Dezső; Szujkóné Lacza, Júlia: Distribution and diversity of the Hungarian Spergularia species (Caryophyllaceae)

STUDIA BOTANICA HUJNGARICA Antea: Fragmenta Botanica Tom. XIII 1979 p. 57-73 Distribution and diversity of the Hungarian Spergularia species (Caryophyllaceae) Dezső RTJVÁTS. and Júlia SZUJKÓ-LACZA ABSTRACT: The authors collected and mapped the distri­bution data of the three Hungarian Spergularia species in the Carpathian Basin and the Great Hungarian Plain. They ana­lyzed the distribution and diversity of specimens p^r species according to habitats, life-forms and alti-tudes. All the three species are more frequent in the lowland in different salinity habitats, but S. rubra is common in other different localities also. The S. salina is mostly therophytonous, S. rubra hemi­cryptophytonous and S. media chamephytonous. In connection with the plan of the description of Central-European flora we as members of this international floristic group also, have collect the data of flowering plants listed by EHRENDORFER (1973), and have mapped there data according to NIKLFELD (1971) into grids. Our herbaria (BP) contain numerous herbarium sheets refering to the Carpathian Basin and the Great Plain also. With respect to the data of herbaria the localities were taking into consideration only in their geographical unit. Our herbaria contain very dif­ferent sheets also on the age of coUected data, coHector (s), the language of labels and loci respectively. The flora and partly the vegetation of the Hungarian National Parks have been elaborated by the Botanical Department of the Hung. Nat. Hist. Museum. First we found in widespread territories the population of Spergularia species in Hortobágy National ParMcf. SZUJKÓ-LACZA et al., 1980) and since two years also in Kiskunság National Park. The identification and nomenclature problems which arose were connected with these species, therefore we decid­ed to carry out a revision and numerical evaluation of Hungarian Spergularia species (SZUJKÓ-LACZA- KOVÁTS -RAJCZY, 1979) and in the enumeration of the distribution of this species the Central-European flora.

