Zs. P. Komáromy szerk.: Studia Botanica Hungarica 13. 1979 (Budapest, 1979)

Rajczy, Miklós: Contributions to the Bryoflora of Greece, I. The Bryophytes of the Cave Perama near Joannina

STUDIA BOTANICA HUNGARICA Ántea: Fragmenta Botanica Tom. XIII 1979 p. 3-5 Contributions to the Bryoflora of Greece, I. The Bryophytes of the Cave Perama near-Joannina Miklós RAJCZY ABSTRACT: This paper deals with the Bryophytes collected by the author in 1976 in Cave Perama (Epirus, near Joan­nina), and at its upper entrance. 7 Musci are reported from the cave and 2 Hepatics and 14 Musci from its upper en­trance. In July of 1976 spending my summer holidays in Greece I had the oppor­tunity to make a little Bryophyte collection at several places. On the 13™ 1 of July I visited the Perama Cave where I collected Bryophytes in the cave, near the electric lamps and from the upper entrance. The cave is situated in the province Epirus in the hill Goritsa at a dis­tance of 4 km from Joannina at an altitude of 486 m above sea level. It was discovered in 1951 by J. Petrochilos, then explored and illuminated and in 1957 it was opened to the public (PETROCHILOS 1968). Its upper entrance is a shaft with a length of about 10 m till a frosted-glass door and a slope of about 45° facing NW. Mosses of the family Pottiaceae are the most characteristic of the bryo­phytic flora of the cave. More than 50% of the species is pottiaceous making up about 90% of the total amount of the Bryophytes. Of the flora of the electric lamps the moss Eucladium verticillatum was the most characteristic with the Fissidens bryoides var, bryoides. No liverwort was found inside the cave and in the very external region of the shaft. In some places I have found some - until now - indeterminable pleurocarpous mosses which were totally en­crusted with Lichenes and Algae. The specimens are deposited in BP (Herba­rium of the Hungarian Natural-Hi story Museum). I would like to thank L. Vajda for his valuable advice and help in de­terming the doubtful specimens, and Dr. S.Orbán (EGR), who kindly determin­ed the Gymnostomum species.

