Sárospataki Füzetek 14. (2010)

2010 / 2. szám - TANULMÁNYOK - Kónya Péter: A kálvini reformáció és a Református Egyház Sáros vármegyében

Kónya Piter this stability that the teachings of the Swiss Reformers gained ground with great difficulties in this region. The followers of Zwingli and Calvin were able to pro­claim their views only as crypto-Calvinists in the beginning. However, this crypto- Calvinism gradually spread not only among Hungarian-speaking citizens, but among German- and Slovakian-speakers as well. The article presents details of the spread of the Calvinist Reformation in Sáros County, its reoccurring conflict with the Lutheran churches as well as some characteristics of its inner church life. 104 SÁROSPATAKI FÜZETEK

