Sárospataki Füzetek 13. (2009)

2009 / 2. szám - TANULMÁNYOK - Thoma László: Probléma-megoldási módszerek a különböző kegyességi formákban. Methods of Conflict Resolution in Diverse Forms of Piety

Probléma-megoldási módszerek a különböző kegyességí formákban Felhasznált irodalom Dr. Bartha Tibor (szerk.): Keresztyén Bibliai Lexikon Kálvin Kiadó, Budapest, 1995. Berndt Zuschlag — Wolfgang Thielke: Mindennapjaink konfliktushelyzetei Medicina Kiadó, Budapest, 2009. Eric Berne: Emberi játszmák Háttér Kiadó, Budapest, é. n. Erik H. Erikson: A fiatal Luther és más írások Gondolat Kiadó, Budapest, 1991. Paul Watzlawick - John H. Weakland - Richard Fisch: Változás. A problémák keletkezésének és megoldásának elvei Gondolat Kiadó, Budapest, 1990. Summary Methods of Conflict Resolution in Diverse Forms of Piety We live our lives among conflicts. We need effective, more subtle and more refined skills of conflict resolution in which we can both assert our own causes and consider the points of view of the social medium. In the field of conflict resolution a Christian can have a surplus in terms of methodology and attitude. We live our faith in various forms of piety which are developed through our religious socialization. Although various categories can be specified (e.g., fundamentalism, Sunday Christianity, Christianity of experience, etc.), it is likely that elements of several forms of piety can be discovered within the same person, similarly to personality types. It is worth keeping the general results of communication research in mind when analysing conflict resolution. In the course of communication we can make mistakes (such as wrong ways of asking questions, the so-called “murderous sentences” or the improper use of meta-communicational means) that do not take us closer to the solution of a problem. The solution of a problem entails changes, which are not always in the interest of the parties involved in the conflict. We must aim at the so-called secondary changes first of all, which arise from looking at the problem in a wider context or from another angle. In the various forms of piety there are a lot of things that hinder effective problem resolution; e.g., defining the problem itself, setting taboos, over-employing models, trivialising or exaggerating the problem, etc. These Siinispiiliiki Füzetek 123

