Sarasotai Magyar Hirmondó, 2001 (7. évfolyam, 2-8. szám)

2001-10-01 / 7. szám

ATTACHMENT NO. 1. Hungarian ■ American Cultural Association Inc Kossuth Club "N*r*r consider *n immigrant to fctcome * loytl American cUittn, en/éts hu rutáin hit /ore for hit mothurltnd' Abraham Lincoln September 18, 2001 Ms. Janet Weaver, Executive Editor The Sarasota Herald-Tribune P. O. Box 1719 Sarasota, FL 34236 ( Dear Ms. Weaver: I am a member of the Sarasota Branch of the American Association of University Women and Executive-Director of the Hungarian-American Cultural Association, Inc.— Kossuth Club. In the latter capacity I speak for about 30,000 Americans of Hungarian descent living in the greater Sarasota area and it is on their behalf that I want to express our profound shock, disbelief and outrage over the tragedy that befall our nation last Tuesday. We want to extend our deepest condolences to the victims’ families and want them to know that we share their grief. The enclosed short essay was written by Edith Lauer, Chairman of the Hungarian American Coalition of which Kossuth Club is a member. Ms. Lauer has just returned from Hungary and related to us the reaction of the Hungarian people to news of the tragedy. I am asking you to find an appropriate place in the paper to print this essay because we would like your readers and all Americans to know that Hungarians everywhere feel a close kinship and solidarity with the American people—now, and always. As an AAUW member, I am looking forward to your presentation to our branch next March, and to meeting you in person. Sincerely yours, Eva B. Kis varsányi Executive Director P. O. Box 19774 • Sarasota, FL 34276

