Rédey Judit (szerk.): Nyitunk, Plakátok a szocializmusban, 1945-1989, Magyar Kereskedelmi és Vendéglátóipari Múzeum időszaki kiállítás 2009. október - 2010. február. Kiállításvezető (Budapest, Magyar Kereskedelmi és Vendéglátóipari Múzeum, 2009)

The International Wool Secretariat (IWS) was founded by Australia, New Zealand and South Africa in 1937. In 1964 it decided it needed a standard "wool identifier," an individual image that would be instantly recognisable. An international tender was advertised, which an Italian graphic artist Francesco Saroglia won for his design of the 1SW logo, Woolmark. In 1962 the Compack Kereskedelmi és Csomagoló Vállalat [Compack Trade and Packaging Company] was founded through the merger of several smaller food and chemical product packaging companies. Their activities chiefly included packaging coffee, tea, domestic and imported spices and chemical products, which over the years extended to processing, and domestic and foreign trade. In the Eighties the company launched an energetic advertising campaign that produced some wonderful works, especially in tea advertisements. The Georgian tea posters in particular, with their beautifully crafted letters, are outstanding. The Gabi brand, with its elephant logo, was created in 1969. In the field of photographic commercial posters, József Tóth remained the most prolific and success­ful artist. He designed the popular globe with suitcase handles, the emblem of the Utazás ITravel] exhibitions. The second MINO shoe campaign featured for the first time the "little girl in mummy's shoes." It had a television commercial version and one for the printed media, and was extremely successful, lózsef Tóth's MINO poster won an audience award as "Best poster of the year." Wanda Szyksznian's giant lion cub figure in the Politoys Hungary poster advertises the most famous Hungarian invention of the time, Rubik's cube. Ernő Rubik submitted his patent to the Találmányi Hivatal [Patent Officel in 1975. The toy was launched on the market in 1977. It travelled round the globe and won many prizes in Hungary and abroad. In the late Seventies Hungary, too, came to realise the importance of promoting healthy eating. "Étkezzünk egészségesen!" |Let's eat healthily] ran the slogan on the photographic poster series, offering mouth-watering meals for a variety of occasions - reggelire... |breakfast|, tízóraira... |elevenses], ebédre... [lunch|, autóstúrára... |a car journey], kirándulásra... |an outingl - the most successful one being the poster vendégvárásra... [entertainingguests]. 34

