Fürdők – Fürdőhelyek, Magyarország fürdőépítészete (Budapest, 2008)
GREETINGS It's an honor for the German city of Ulm that Budapest, the capitol of historical bath places, hosts the "BALNEA - the architectural history of bath places" exhibition that could be seen first in the city hall of Ulm in 2006. We highly support the settlement of this exhibition in Hungary. The collection shows through 26 models, like the Danube beach in Ulm from 1851, the important stops and phenomena of the bath architecture from the 17th century till the 20th century. Although the basics of this exhibition are the bath places built near the Danube River, the medicinal baths in Budapest are also important elements of the presentation. Special thanks to our co-operational partners in Budapest: Edina Horváth, contributor of the Cultural Heritage Securing Ministry and Imre Kiss, director of the Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism. We also thank for dr. Susanne Grötz and dr. Ursula Quecke trustees and their group that they helped organizing six different BALNEA exhibitions, the one in Budapest as the top of our series. I wish as much fun for the viewers of this exhibition in Budapest as we had, collecting it. SABINE MAYER-DÖI IF The Cultural, Educational and Public Wealth Minister of Ulm