S. Nagy Anikó, Rédey Judit: Az utca képeskönyve. Kereskedelmi plakátok és korabeli kritikájuk (1885–1945) (Bpudapest, 2006)

Pál, Hadai. The Rise and Fall of Poster Beauties The poster us the fruit of the balancing of opportunities and art. This is why the small, nude boy who drinks coffee from a coffee pot on the Bottlik poster is still one of the best street advertisements in the world competition. (...) And what is more, he is known, liked and even understood by the coffee-buying public of Budapest. Form a member of the gentry to a simple cook. A poster is the greatest carrier for him. (Magyar Grafika, 11-12/1928) The Albus Soap Poster Competition. A completely new advertising idea of displaying submis­sions for a more limited poster competition on a giant poster and allowing the broadest levels of the public to vote was given an understanding reception by Mr. Béla Szegő, the director of Albus Soap Factories and a man who has a great understanding of modern advertising. And the thing that is most critical for us here in Hungary is that this idea was also quickly put into practice. The invited artists were able to freely choose the theme of the poster with the stipulation that the Albus Soap Factory's new green box, designed by Albert Kner, had to appear on each with its original colour. The designers of the posters that were manufactured are Zoltán Abonyi, Sándor Bortnyik, Lajos Csabai Ékes, József Gróf, Gyula Kaesz, Lajos Kassák, Albert Kner, Sán­dor Kolozsváry, Grete Máday, Erich Nemes, István Schwarz, János Tábor/2/ and Gusztáv Végh. (Magyar Grafika, 1/1929) Iván, Hevesy. The New Season's Posters (...) Berény has painted a new poster for Tíítra washing powder. He has, as usual, based the effect on the toy idea. I small toy figure holds the sheet that has been washed white and is depicted leaving the plain of the paper. The fact that this idea of the snow-white sheet doesn't quite manage to achieve the desired result is due to certain circumstances that the artist failed to

