Tűzoltó Múzeum évkönyve 2. 1985 (Budapest, 1986)

Tartalomjegyzék angol nyelven

//. Section DOCUMENTS lui Dr, Károly Szabó: The first Hungarian fire regulation law and its executive provision of law 101 1. The historical antecedents of the fire regulations law. The limit of time of the law and its executive provision of the law; further formation of a fundamentally new regulation 101 1.1. The necessity to make a task of the prevention against fire and to organize it for the public 101 1.2. The 65 years fight of the Hungarian National Fireman Union for making the fire regulation law 102 1.3. The fire regulation law 105 1.3.1. The debate in the Lower House of te Parliament 105 1.3.2. The debate of the fire regulation law in the Upper House of Parliament 107 1.4. The departmental order No. 180 000 B. M. the Ministry of the Interior, the executive provision of law of the fire regulation law 108 1.5. The fire regulation law and the necessity of its executive provision of law, the limit of time of the law and the formation of a fundamentally new regulation 110 2. The wording of the fire regulation law 112 3. The index of the departmental order No. 180 000: the enforcement of the fire regulation law 116 4. Summary in German: written by Dr. J. Szilágyi 126 5. Notes 127 ///. Section LIST OF REFERENCES 129 Dr. János Szilágyi, candidate of history: Index for the volumes 1949-1959 of the technical journal „Magyar Tűzoltó" (Hungarian Fireman). I. Part 131 1. Preface to the index of the technical journal 131 2. Interpretation of the signs applied in the index 131 3. Index 132 IV. Section OUTLINE OF THE PERMANENT EXHIBITION 275 János Minárovics: The fire museum of Bonyhád 277 1. Notes 309 2. Summary in German: written by Dr. J. Szilágyi 311

