Molnár Klára et al. (szerk.): Színházi Évkönyv 2011/2012-es színi évadra (Budapest, 2013)
INTRODUCTION Introduction Upon picking up this year’s issue of the Theatre Yearbook, putting it next to the past issues on the bookshelf, the dear reader will certainly notice that this is a slimmer volume than the previous ones. It would be a mistake, however, to draw far-reaching conclusions based on this fact about the general conditions of the Hungarian theatre in our days. Despite all difficulties, the Hungarian theatre is doing its job quite well, without even a significant decrease in the number of new shows. Therefore, just as before, we have an abundant amount of data to collect and make accessible for the theatre lovers from the present and future. The only reason behind the slimmer volume is that we have chosen to publish the detailed cast of the shows exclusively on the DVD supplement. The change was not primarily motivated by financial constraints. The size of the previous volumes, which had full casts printed, was also increased by the index of names, the usage of which is quite cumbersome in the age of computer search engines. The DVD issue, considered very useful by our readers, has no size constraints, while its usage is very practical. It can be justly asked, after all these, why we are still clinging to the printed issue. First of all, since we are obliged by tradition, even if slowly the book itself becomes nothing more than the cover of the DVD supplement. But it is more at stake here. Following the periodical rhythm of theatre life, our Yearbook is always trying to be a mirror of a given theatrical season. In the bottomless containers of computerized databases one of theatre's special features often gets lost, namely that the performances, events, festivals, prizes and bereavements are always interfering events of one theatrical season. Their context is always given by the same audience: its devotion or rejection. The complex activity of the Hungarian Theatre Museum and Institute goes beyond only showing a snapshot of the theatrical present, we wish to uncover the past of our theatre life as well. The DVD supplement offers a great opportunity to illustrate these endeavours. Beyond these, we also wish to give the readers a taste of our exhibitions, our international activities, the books published by us and the newly acquired collection items; with abundant illustrations. We advise readers to use the Yearbook, the DVD supplement and our theatre database at together, as a comprehensive resource of the latest events and processes of the Hungarian theatre. The Editors 8