Dr. Szabó Lajos: A magyar ifjúság testi nevelésének története (A Sportmúzeum Kincsei 5. Budapest, 2004)

A testnevelés mozgalmi jellegének előtérbe kerülése a szocializmus éveiben

ywayis . : , , : : _ _ __ FROM 1951 THE POLITICAL LEADERS tried to strengthen the "movement character" of school education. The basis of this sports policy was the copying of the Soviet-type model formed in the 1930ies, The "Ready for Work" and the "Be ready for the work and fights" movements tried to oblige people and students to stand tests. The teachers had to report about their activities. The obligatory regulations, the administrative supervision did not make the children keen on sports, International propaganda of top level sports became important (Helsinki Olympic Games, 1952, Soccer World Championship, 1954), etc., so school PE. and mass-sport were pushed into the background. Only the 1956 Revolution brought a little change in it. After its suppress on March 1 1958, the National Sports Committee for Youth (OISB) was organized within the Communist Youth Organization (KISZ). Sport centres were formed in all levels of education, but they put a bigger stress on voluntarism. They organ­ized Olympics for pioneers, series of championships for schools. They succeeded in raising the number of PE. lessons for three lessons a week in 1973. Primary and sec­ondary schools specialized for PE. were established as an experiment, with the aim of recuriting future top level sportsmen. In 1970 about 59% of schools had gym-hall. This unfavourable data was characteristic for the teachers of PE., too. Registered development was acquired from the middle of the 80ies.

