Dr. Szabó Lajos: A magyar ifjúság testi nevelésének története (A Sportmúzeum Kincsei 5. Budapest, 2004)

A testnevelés Eötvös József és Trefort Ágoston kultuszminiszteri tevékenységében

THE DECREE ISSUED IN 1867 by József Eötvös, Minister of Culture, declared that physical exercises and gymnastics are compulsory for all the students and must be used in all classes during the whole school year. It evoked a big resistance so it was not submitted to the Parliament. Act 38 of 1868 made the introduction of physical exercises compulsory only in the elementary and higher elementary schools. The elementary school syllabus of 1870 described order-, free- and jump exercises and gymnastic games in the first three years, which were supplemented with military field exercises in the higher classes. The introduction of physical education in the secondary school (4 hours a week), as a compulsory sub­ject was forced by Ágoston Trefort (Act 30 of 1883). Only 5% of the schools had qualified teachers and suitable place (gym-hall) for gymnastics. So in many cases the activities in the gymnastics clubs and fencing halls had bigger and more specified effects than the gymnastics lessons. As a result of an agreement the students could go twice a week to these clubs. The methodology of these gymnatics lessons were determined by Elek Matolay in his Gymnastics hand­book. It described the equipments, basic and apparatus exercises. The best gymnasts had extra train­ings once a week.

