Dr. Laklia Tibor: A Harmadik – a MAORT pusztaszentlászlói üzeme 1941-1951 (MOIM Közleményei 30; Zalaegerszeg, 2006)

I. rész A Sors és a Tudomány ajándéka Zalának

Elkészült a toronyalap a Hahót-2. sz. fúráshoz. Ez az újabb pont Kilimán község határában, az Alsótöllős­major melletti területen van. A fúrás 1939. november 7-én kezdődött, a november 13-án kelt heti jelentés szerint 282,25 m mélységnél tartottak. L:-hot l'o. 2 During the week the well was drilled from 876 ft. (267 m) to 926 ft. (282.25 m) . Lt this depth a sub between the drill collar and bit twisted off leaving the 17" bit in tho hole. Subsequent efforts to get over the bit with a 16" ovorshot bowl failed. 1. forked bit was run in an endeavor to kick the bit out into tho holo. This also apparently failed to move tho bit for when an impression block was run in it showed tho top of tho fish to bo imbedded 5" in the wall of tho holo. /. 3akcr wall hook followed by an overshot has been run twice without success . Total depth of hole 926 ft. (282.2 5 m) 18" surfc.ee casing ccmcntod at 221 ft. (67.25 m) * A szeizmikus mérések tovább folytatódtak, a csoport központja újból Söjtör. A MAORT 1940. január 8-i jelentéséből (Weekly News Report No. 2. January 8. 1940.): Gravitymeter Cravitymetor The party ccnploted 34 gravity meter stations along the travorsoa: Bak - Felsofakos pustta; Bak - Fűzvölgy pusita - Söjtör - Hahót; Zalaegerszeg - îJaçypali - Gyorvár. * Az 1940. január 8-i jelentés a fúrás helyzetértíl: Hahót No. 2 516 bbls. of mud were pumped in the hole and partial returns was clear water. A batch of heavy mud mixed with wood shavings and hay was next pumped in, a total of 76 bbls. This exhausted the ready mixed supply of mud, approximately 5670 bbls. of mud having boen lost to this point. Several days were spent mixing mud this work progressing slowly due to insuffi­cient gas pressure. 13" pilit was run to 1407 ft. (429 m) and the hole reamed to 1476 ft. (450 m) , losing a total of 410 bbls. of mud in the process and getting partial returns of 1.10 to 1.13 gravity mud. In pulling out the bit hung under the 14" casing shoe and had to be worked through. The shoe was tested later and found not to be damagod. Next the hole was reamod from 1476 ft. (450 m) to 1512 ft. (461 m) with a loss of 227 bbls. of mud and the returns were only 1.06 gravity mud. More mud is being mixed to try to get through present bridge and back into old hole . A Hahót - 3. sz. fúrást a 2. sz.-tól keletre mintegy 600 méterre mélyítették le. A Hahót - 4- sz. fúrás Alsó-Hahót közepén, az utca keleti oldali házsora mögött egy kertben létesült. Erről a fúrásról az 1941. november 10-i jelentés számol be. Hahót No. 4 After having tested all prospects in this well as a result of which only a small show of heavy oil was encountered just above the Triassic basement lime­stone, it was abandoned as a dry hole. The well was filled with mud and the rotary outfit (Diesel rig) is being dismantled and moved to Hahót No . 5.

